I am currently spinning the contents of this bag. It's labeled "Gray Mystery Doris," which means I bought the fleece from Doris and she doesn't remember who it was. I processed the whole fleece on my Patrick Greene Deb Deluxe before we moved out here so that has to be over seven years ago.

I had pulled the batts out and rolled a pseudo-roving into tight balls which have not tempted me to spin them at all. However, the bag is taking precious space from my yarn storage, so it's time. My processing was so poor that after trying to spin from these geodes, I decided to give them another run through the carder.

It was exactly what the doctor ordered. It's a dream to spin now. Doris's original flock was Corriedale/Rambouillet but she has raised Targhee for quite a few years now. I couldn't tell from the feel which it was.

However, once it was washed and fulled, it developed major spoing so I'm of the opinion its Targhee. I'm really pleased with the yarn. It's also close to the color of the moth eaten sweater so I'll be able to mend it after all. Dale emailed me that he now has walnut and black acacia shavings. I'd like to overdye this yarn and will sample with the wood shaving dyes when they're ready.

I have been struggling with what to do for my next dish towels. I fooled around with the cones for a while, then went and cut some more rag strips while I thought about it. I finally selected these colors. The towels are a birthday present so I was trying to please me and my recipient too.

I was able to wind the warp quickly this afternoon and get it onto Maudie Mae's lease sticks. I love the colors together and look forward to watching them become towels. We're leaving tomorrow for a week in Southern California and I wanted the warp to be ready for me when we get home.
This year we decided to drive in spite of the weather. I'm not sure which would be worse since the roads are icy, but since I am always wanded and TSA is in a state heightened alert, I'm pretty sure that flying would be more unpleasant than usual. It's always me and the other geezers getting wanded while the young and verile breeze through the check station. Why doesn't TSA make me feel safer? Rhetorical question, no answer required.
I've gotten my driving knitting assembled. Guess I had better to pack my clothes. To be continued....
The handspun yarn looks great! So tempting to become a spinner.
Nice color choice for your dishtowels. I'm waiting on a yarn delivery for some dishtowel warp. So I have extra time to play around with the design.
TSA, flying, ugh.
Have a great time in CA!! Sounds warm and nice!
Beautiful spun yarn. I love the color myself and I bet the overdying will look wonderful.
Have a super time in Southern CA.
I love you towel color selection!
That yarn is a lovely colour.....what great sweater wool:)
Your handspun yarn is so nice. I love overdying gray. No matter what color I used to dye it with it ends up being so rich with gray highlights.
Flying anywhere is going to be a pain. Not much we can do about that.
Have fun on your vacation.
Oh that new yarn is beautiful -
I always get wanded too - despite the foot long scar on my leg where they replaced my knee!!! & I always wear a skirt so they can see it, but they don't seem to be interested in the scar - what the heck do they think I'm going to hide under a skirt??? Lizards strapped to my body maybe??
Hope your traffic woes are few & you have a great new years! T.
May you have a very safe trip to SoCal and back again, Sharon.
I liked this post. I have so many ideas of what to put on the loom going 'round and 'round in my head, but I also have to see what I've got as warp yarns. I have a friend I want to do an overshot pattern for, but....
I KNOW!!!! When I'm so tired from splitting wood and shoveling snow I can't weave, I could order stuff!!! Yeah! That's it! I'll order weaving supplies!!!!!!!
(But I think I'll have to spin up wool to make room for weaving supplies. Hmmm...why does everything have to be so difficult?) LOL!!!
I'm a huge fan of re-carding fiber that's been stored for a while. The spinning goes so much faster and is effortless compared to dealing with compressed fiber. Glad you can darn the sweater now. Yay!
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