I took this picture today as week 5 of my photos from one location. I missed week 4 as Alexia was here last week and, well, I got distracted somewhere between the peanut butter cookies and the knitting and the spinning lessons. It snowed all night and the wind was absolutely punishing. It woke me several times.

Ian went to feed this morning and was stunned to discover that the wind had picked up the llama shed and tumbled it over the fence and onto it's roof. The animals are coated in snow so it didn't just happen.

The llamas are much more comfort-
able with snow and simply kushed down. The sheep were not happy and begged us to do something. Anxiety of the unknown took hold as tonight the temps will be sub-zero and they need to be able huddle inside.

As you can see, it went up and over the fence. It had to flip it in a complete somersault for it to land on the roof. The real anxiety was just how much damage had been sustained and if it would remain intact in an attempt to right it. Fortunately DS Josh is in town from Bend for the holiday. He built the shed and is the best acquainted with the structure.

Neighbor Tom called right after daylight. He'd seen the situation but had to go to town - said he would be down with his tractor after he got back. Meanwhile Josh drove out. The highway had been closed due to blowing snow so he chose the back way - just a couple of dicey spots and fewer crazy drivers. They pow-wowed in the garage and this is what they decided on. The shed looks pretty battered.

And down it comes. Josh plans loads and weights in trucking and his plan here was right on. The shed is now in a different place, but it's in a place and tonight there are five furry animals cuddled together inside. It's 8:30 right now and 16 degrees outside. I think this was a happy ending.

I couldn't really concentrate on any one thing today - too many things going on, but I did knit in the in-betweens and finished this hat from alpaca. It's luscious.
Oh those poor animals.
Glad to hear the shed is 'on its feet' and tonight the lamas and sheep have some shelter.
You said you couldn't concentrate on any one thing today but still you did a lot of work! kniteing the in-betweens and finished a hat.
Hope you have a good night sleep.
And I forgot to mention; I used 4 shafts fot my sister's guest towels. Bye.
This cold air and wind is so difficult to cope with. Amazing that you could knit a hat with all that going on! and beautiful too.
We're nowhere near as cold as you, but it's unusually cold unusually early for here. Chores took a long time tonight as we broke ice and installed heated buckets, etc., etc. We need another heat bulb for the henhouse; those girls are COLD. The younger ones have the heat bulb....
Yep wickedly cold here too with this arctic blast. I worried about the horses all night, even staged hay up by the paddock in case Bob the tractor won't start this morning. We DIDN'T get the below zero temps they were promising so hopefully you too won't be quite as cold as predicted, still cold enough.
Glad Stella's snow ball romp provided a bit of cheer!
Cold and snow here, too. Unfortunately I didn't get the auto waterer in this summer. Sigh. Another winter of hauling buckets thru the snow. I need to get the neighbor over to move a big round of hay in. It's a pain in the butt to peal hay off of them suckers.
Wow...so glad that the animals have shelter again.
I think wind is nerve wracking. We've had a lot of wind this fall, but no snow yet. It's not been that cold.
Wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving.
Yikes, that sounds like a challenging day! Hurray for Josh's ingenuity. Thank goodness everyone's back in the shed and keeping warm.
Happy Thanksgiving, Sharon.
Gotta love the wind in Nevada! I doesn't blow from the north, south, east or west, it blows in all directions, 360 degrees!
Man-o-man! I'm glad you got it flipped back over. How much damage to the fence? Those must have been some winds!
Wow, I can imagine the wind it took to blow your shed over (remembering the dog pen 4' off the ground). I also lost a 'hoop' house down at my place to the wind.
I'm glad that Josh was there to supervise. Contrary to popular belief, all of your critters will be just fine without shelter, unless it rains, and then freezes. They all have double coats which will shed the weather! As you said, the llamas are from this kind of country - the sheep are actually more adapted to rain than the llamas are...
I'm hoping to see you while I'm down - I'll call...
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