Alexia looked forward to her bath yesterday morning and just did not want to get out, so much singing in that room. Finally I reminded her of all the things we wanted to do and she was out in an instant. She was very anxious to start weaving on the new looper loom I got from
Hiliary. She wouldn't have gotten dressed except the hook kept getting caught in the towel.

She couldn't be bothered with sitting at a table to eat breakfast so ate cold cereal out of a baggie. Notice the method she devised to keep her loops in the color order of her choosing. She kept talking about making a pattern and "my design." I thought we'd get started on the loom and she could come back to it. She was also anxious to start decorating the Christmas tree.

The placement of every ornament was carefully considered. Progress was slow but I knew we wouldn't finish the whole tree anyway. It was about her having fun. Suddenly she looked at me in utter panic - Grandma! Are we going to have time to make cookies? Would you rather make cookies, I asked. Silly question.

All cookies require sprinkles. In the future, I think sprinkles on only one side would be my choice. These are Jello cookies again, this time in lime. I used to make these with her mother and the recipe card is written in my friend's hand. The stamp we used is long gone but the recipe remains.
3/4 c Crisco
1/2 c sugar
1 3 oz pkg Jello
2 eggs
1 t vanilla
Cream together and add:
2 1/2 c flour
1 t baking powder
1 t salt
Roll into balls and flatten with a stamp. Bake 8-10 minutes in a 400 degree oven. (Sprinkles optional, unless you're Alexia)

She's whispering to herself, "over, under, over, under, over, under....."

Alexia did an astonishing amount of the work just with my supervision. I only needed to help when she got stuck. She became quicker at putting the loops on and finding her mistakes. She wanted to finish it so she could give it to her mommy when she came to pick her up. I was doing the crocheted edge as Christina was coming down the driveway. Alexia is very proud and so am I.
She did a great job and boy aren't you a fun Grandma!
I love it! A new weaver sucked... er, introduced to the craft!!
She is a busy girl! Thanks for the Jello cookie recipe - it may be the very one we used to make when I was a kid.
I love it....you go, Alexia!!!!!!
Nice work...
I want a grandma just like YOU! :-)
Alexia's colour choices are gorgeous. Great job to you both, teacher and student. Thanks for the recipe. I've got to make cookies for a cookie exchange this weekend and maybe Jello cookie might just be the ticket since they look so festive.
That is so awesome, can't wait for Joy to be interested :)
A lovely story with great prictures. You've been very busy, the both of you.
I think it's great for such a young girl to realy finnish something.
How marvelous, all of it. I bet you're tired Grandma, but what a special day you all had. The weaving looked fab too!
What flavor Jello or doesn't it matter?
I am proud of it with her!
What a wonderful grandmother you are! And you both are so lucky you can spend time together. She will remember this when she is a grandmother teaching her grandchildren how to bake Jello cookies and weave on wee looms of their own, and she will tell them all about you as they work. You have managed to live far beyond your alotted years with these times.
I've never heard of Jello cookies. What do they taste like? Alexia is such a busy girl! Her weaving is great - love her colors. Takes after her grandmother.
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