Laura is visiting her sister in Minden for a couple of days and drove all the way out here to visit
Mim and me. I wish I had been a little less distracted because I see Laura so seldom. As always I learned something new from her - she gave me a quick lesson in i-cord edgings. I know it has a real name but that's okay. I know how to do it now, and I want to use it to trim my vest. Laura is one of those people I'd have to say has forgotten more than I've ever known.
She brought me this box of goodies. These are things that had belonged to her mother, Jean, who was a life-long fiber artist and its in that environment that Laura grew up. I met Jean on a number of occasions, and am thrilled to own her copy of Mary Black. Laura popped those two balls of "fiber play" in as an extra treat: superfine Merino, silk and alpaca. Drool~~

These are the rag rug shuttles that were in the box. There's also a metal temple. It's pretty overwhelming. I need some pegboard so I can hang these on the wall. I want to see them, even when I'm not using them.
Our next get-together won't be until next June during Black Sheep Gathering, which is a pretty distracted time for everyone.

We didn't get to the big agenda item today until after lunch. No ornaments can go on the tree until the lights are on, and Papa was pretty busy this morning clearing snow. When we finally starting stringing lights, we discovered that the last string in the box was dead. Alexia and I headed for the store - she wanted juice and raisins anyway and we both wanted to go to the library which is by the grocery store. A squall came through here and dumped another 2" of snow while we were gone. We were south of the weather band so only had to drove back on it, not in it.
Ian and I finally finished getting the lights strung about 4:30 which was disappointingly late for hanging ornaments. Lexi and I did get other decorations up though, and I let her hang a wooden sheep on the tree, which she gamely did her Vanna White to display.

This is the book I had placed on hold and was picking up from the library. I have read a couple of excellent reviews, and while I'm not really interested in knitting books much, I was glad the library had a copy for me to see. I read it cover to cover while Alexia watched more Angelina Ballerina on my laptop. I can't say I want to own the book, but I think it's a must-read for everyone interested in the history of American knitwear.
I read Alexia a couple of the books we picked up from the library, and now that I'm back in possession of my laptop, I'm going to look up the website of this mill. I recognized my life in that book. I think every knitter will, and perhaps non-knitters as well.

I finished this alpaca man-sized hat while Laura and I were visiting. Laura kicked off my hat-knitting thing years ago, and I'm always interested in her ideas. She makes hats that will twirl your eyeballs. She suggested an idea for an i-cord top and I can't wait to cast on for my next hat!
Looks like that lovely tree brought a little early Christmas to you. What a great goodie box! And how nice to have such a good friend drop in from far away.
The snow is something! We have tons of it!
Wow...'tis the season at your house!
I love that the libraries get those books in....the ones that you really don't need to keep on hand at home. It's nice that a single copy can be shared by so many. And you know where to find it if you want to refer to it.
Funny, my verification word is beamisr (as in "be a miser")...must be time for me to watch my Muppet Christmas Carol dvd with Michael Caine.
Wish I were there!
You sure did hit the "mother load" with all those shuttles. I'm sure you'll put them to good use.
I love your hat!!! Every thing you knit is so nice. Mine if I ask you how you join you different colored yarns???
Can you believe its trim the tree time again. Sure does roll aroud fast.
What a great hat!!! It sounds like you've been given some neat weaving tools, especially since you know their history. I know what you mean about wanting to be able to see them, as I have some of my favorite shuttles out all of the time.
Mom would be very happy to know you are thrilled. She really enjoyed the time we all "camped out" outside your house!!
We forgot to take pictures at Mim's too, so I guess we'll have to hold the picture in our memories (which are turning into teflon...)
I have been catching up on your posts since going out of town. My goodness have you ever been busy. How do you have the time to knit, dye, weave and bake cookies??? I always seem to be behind the eight ball! Love the hats! I so love that snow you are getting and we are NOT. We might get a few inches in the spring but I really would love a white Christmas. We have not put up our tree but hopefully will this weekend. Time is going so quickly.
I loooove the Vanna White impression!
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