giving we cut a tree and decorated it. Six weeks have passed already and it's time to put everything away.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night. Oh wait. Too late? It all flew by so quickly, but isn't that what Santa does - fly over? Well, he certainly did here. Here's wishing that this year will deliver promised hopes.
I goes too fast doesnt it. Our tree dried quickly this year, probably because it came from Oregon or Washington; we didnt go tree hunting after T-giving, just bought one from a vendor. That'll teach us! We had to take it down two days after Christmas.
I love the little guy with the beard! I'm leaving the Xmas decs up for another week, as I put them up awfully late this year, plus I love using all my winter dishes.
Your little tree buddies are adorable!!!!! I guess do like you and start putting the few things I have out away tomorrow. Thanks for sharing your Christmas tree with us.
Sharon, I didn't even get the tree out this year, or any other decorations except a wreath for the door. Between getting Ralph ready for surgery next week, Kelly having the baby, plus all the snow, well, I was bone tired. This is the first year we haven't really done much. I did cook a nice ham, but tried to do more "healthful" dishes since the surgeon want Ralph to lose 5 lbs. before surgery.
I'm glad to hear you're doing OK.
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