It was another nice day today so I got the last two fleeces skirted and will ship them off to Shari next week. She emailed me say that the fleeces I've already sent will be ready in December. This is my second fleece today and it reminds me what a joy it is to skirt an entire blanket. I had thought that when I was skirting the fleece that Kathy LeFevre sent me. It makes a huge difference.
We've been using an alpaca shearer the past two years, and while I love him to pieces, the fleece comes off in pieces. I'm going to call the cooperative extension and see if they know of any sheep shearers in our area.

I've finished all my deadline knitting and now I can knit for little ol' me. I'm bursting with ideas. I decided to evaluate the state of already spun yarns and projects in progress. I bought this fiber when were at Maryland Sheep and Wool, however many years ago that was, and I've lost track of the pattern. It's merino and when I realized the moths had gotten into it, I stuffed it into a bin with copious amounts of lavender. It is now pulled out, rewashed and measured. I have a little over 1,000 yards, enough for a vest.
That was several years ago and the moth damage appears to have been arrested. I thought I took pictures of the other fiber that I recovered and now have on needles. I guess I didn't. But I did finish and am blocking my Walk for the Cure scarf for my stage-4 breast cancer survivor friend. Yeah, I thought I took a picture of it too. What did I take pictures of?

I took pictures of this unexpected friendship. How do we know when Sammie is standing at the French doors and wants to come back inside? We hear Charlie's tiny little mewl which means his dog wants in. He watches for her and he never lets her down. Sammie weights 85 pounds, Charlie weighs 7 pounds. I'm always nervous when they play, afraid the Sammie won't know her strength and do a Frankenstein, but Charlie does have claws. Aren't they the colors of Halloween??!
What a sweet couple!
true love! ha! My cat's are bigger than my dog - it's my dog that has to worry when the roughhousing starts!
And just think how good a matress warmber Sammie is for Charlie.
And a new fleece off for processing - I'll bet you already are dreaming of spinning it.
Great cat & dog pics!!! It almost makes me wish for a cat!
Golgi has had 3 dogs in his life - at 10, that seems like alot. First was Ceili, then when she died, he adopted Harry, who wasn't too sure about the whole idea, and then when Lyra came along, he transferred his allegiance to her. Since I suspect that she's Ceili reincarnated, that makes perfect sense.
Wonderful! The yarn is nice too - hope the moths are gone.
They look so cute together. My boys(cats) would love to do this the dog but she's gun shy do to the behavor of the other cats in her life. Oh well. A least everyone gets along.
Lizzy (the big dog) and Fred (the tiny cat) have the same relationship. Len was afraid for a long time that Lizzy wouldn't know her limits, but she is really good with Fred, even when Fred grabs her face, claws out. Lizzy just rolls her eyes.
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