Every month Sue asks us to post the colors of the month and then she links are responses on
her blog. I always look forward to this because the months look so different in our different locales. Our butterfly bush has just bloomed. Our summer didn't start until July so everything has been on a different schedule.

Our tomatoes are still more green than red, so that I'm still buying tomatoes from the farmers market. I'd love to eat our own, but the market ends next week and with it my opportunity to eat vine ripened tomatoes. I am a tomato addict!

There's not much left in bloom as morning temps are approxi-
mating the freezing level lately. I though it ironic to catch the still blooming Russian Sage along with Ian's carry-all of firewood. That's September.

Another tell-tale of this month is rabbit guard, which we've begun to put on the rabbit's favorite plants - in this case, the plum on the bank. They don't eat the sumac on either side, and I'm close to throwing in the towel and letting them eat the plum and be done with it.

The trees have already begun to turn. Last year winter weather started in October and lasted into June. I'm hoping we'll have a nice long autumn this year, thought the wind is howling tonight. It's my favorite season of the year - also October is my birth month. That's my birthday wish.

September is a golden month, so much is turning gold. Rabbit-
brush has now turned gold - a marvelous dye plant! It's also an allergen for many people. I've dyed with it twice and gotten brilliant yellows, using double the weight of dye stuff to wool and an alum mordant.

More gold - our wonderful potatoes - the russet on the top is a survivor from a plant of three years ago! When you cut through a fresh potato, it actually snaps, and the Yukon Golds on the inside are, well they're, you know.

More gold - himself. Sir Charles El Rey.
Aw, Charlie looks so comfy. And about those potatoes, I was surprised at how crisp ours were when we first got them out of the ground. Amazing.
Your tomatoes are green! I don't mean the fruits, I mean the leaves! That's a beautiful site after what I've been looking at with mine (though to their credit, they're making a comeback. )
The other thing that strikes me is your butterfly bush. Any idea of the scientific name? I'm asking because yours has different flowers than mine. Very striking.
It all looks great, esp. Charlie!
Thanks for sharing your colors of September!! I like how you have that beautiful golden color. We get golds here, but I pay much more attention to the reds and oranges. This year I'll try not to overlook gold!
I'm still jealous that you have bunnies out there. We don't have them here weirdly enough.
I've thought about replacing the colors with another monthly challenge next year, but I'm more likely to just take a break from it all together. It has been fun though. Who knows how I'll feel in January?!
Beautiful fall colours, I love all the golds too. The butterfly bush is Buddleja - there are many colours including yellow which I have. Your summer was the same as ours - late start - early end!
You can still "ripen" your tomatoes. Pull the plant out by the roots and hang them upside down somewhere they won't freeze. They will continue to turn red over time, and taste pretty good... My sister brought hers in when she lived at the Lake, and just set them out on a counter (she had lots, and used an old door) - they ripened pretty well, too.
Well I don't know about you, but I'd gladly ship some of our "bunnies" back to Sue - how about it - we could get a livestock transport truck to take 'em I'd bet.
Very pretty pictures - and you are right - there is nothing like a "real" potato - I think they are almost better than home grown tomatoes... T.
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