My new camera came today! I have used Nikon for the past 10 years, and in fact, shot this is picture with a Nikon. My original SLR was a Canon and so I didn't let brand loyalty to Nikon influence my decision. I trust Consumer Reports and they rated the Canon SD 940 IS as their second choice, costing over $100 less than their first choice.

I paid over $300 for my Nikon Coolpix about 3 1/2 years ago. It was half the size of our previous Coolpix and shot 8 megapixel pictures with a zoom lens of sorts. It shoots great video but the shutter speed - well, it doesn't have any. Look at the size difference. It's half the size and cost half as much. I chose it for it's video quality and fast shutter speed and plan to make great use of both when we're in New York.

About this time every year, Dale my potter friend and now also wood-
turner friend, orders a dozen bars of soap from me. I had to be in town today anyway so I told him I'd drop the soap off at his studio on my way home. He was showing me the bowls he's been turning, also his first stab at a drop spindle. I was about to leave and he said, wait - I want to show you something. By then we had been joined by another person - Dale loves an audience.
He had boxes full of implements that he had to explain to me, which apparently are attractive to the SCA crowd. When he opened the box of rolling pins, I felt my resolve weakening. Last year I had traded him my soap for a set of bowls - I got a great deal. At the bottom on the box, he had this little tortilla pin with no handles and it had my name written all over it. I only traded for some of my soap, still a great deal.

I've finished the first of the bags I'll take to the craft fair in November. They are so ugly until they're felted, that it's hard to know what the finished bag will look like.
Hi Sharon,
Gratulations with your new camera ánd with the rolling pin. Don't you just looove handcrafted)I hope that is the right wordt for it) tools. I don't think your bag is that awfull but I'm curious how it will look like when felted.
This weekend is our anual spinning event and can't wait to go. Meet everyone and do nothing else than spinning and talking about spinning. Hmmm doesn't that sound like heaven?
A rolling pin just for tortillas! Neat-o!
Many years ago Bill's aunt gave me my first rolling pin. The handles keep falling off so I got used to using it without the handles, I can't imagine using one with handles. I still have it along with a great French one.
I'd say you made a very good trade.
So happy you found a camera you like. I still haven't found one I'm happy with.
Hello Sharon,
I love homemade tortillas, so I think you ended up winning with that trade!
It sounds like you have a great camera to use. My sons bought me a small Canon a few years ago, it fits in my pocket and I love it.
Nice colors on your bag and I can hardly wait to see it felted.
Yay for new cameras. I hope you get lots of wonderful photos.
The rolling pin is lovely. I've been after one like that for a while. Good bartering!
I love the sunset colours of the soon to be felted bag!
Let me know how you like the Canon -- Len's mother is looking for a new camera and the questions I asked her apparently made her nervous. It would be nice to just say, "get this one."
I don't think its ugly at all... maybe in comparison to the finished product, but I love those colors.
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