I took a couple pictures last night for compar-
ison. Delivery was supposed to be today between 9:00 and 1:00. We had the furniture out by 8:45 and they got here at 12:45. That's a long time with no place to sit!

The sofa-bed sectional piece against the wall used to be parallel with the kitchen counter, but the back was to the kitchen so that guests never sat in it. It was made by Basset and is still in good shape. We've got it in the truck and Ian is taking it to DD Chris and family in the morning. I have loved this set and am really happy that they want it.

The furniture doesn't look drama-
tically different but the pieces work much better. We bought the sectional for another house. I like the loveseat because there's great overhead lighting there and I can knit at night. Ian was surprised that he prefers the chair to the sofa.

I was really nervous that it wouldn't fit or we wouldn't like it, but that didn't happen. The dogs don't seem to notice that anything is different, but Charlie is completely taken with it. He kept trying to scratch on it and I'd squirt him with the squirt bottle. He had gotten pretty wet by the time he gave up. I don't think he's given up - just biding his time. I have left the bottle out for now.

Since I had no place to sit, this morning seemed like the perfect time to ply off the singles that had been languishing on two spindles. This is the same fiber I took to spindle camp last May and I need to get it off and ready to go again. It's only three months now until Spindle Camp 2011!
Very nice! Those darn cats... good thing they are cute :)
It sure looks warm and cozy, just like home is supposed to be! I hope poor Charlie gets his scratching under control before he gets too wet for too long!
Very pretty! Love the color. It reads mocha on my monitor. Looks like a winner, and Charlie certainly things so. Hang a rug over the arm/area where he wants to scratch. It might help until you get him conditioned to go to something he is allowed to scratch like a post or box thingy.
The furniture looks great! Oh, that Charlie...
I love sitting in comfy armchairs, except that I pretty much require an ottoman. I was so thrilled when we replaced our leather recliner, as I hate that feeling of leaning back!
Ooooh! The new look is so cozy! Time to weave some throws to cuddle up in. Hope the furniture arrived in time for Ian's afternoon nap!
I have no suggestions for Charlie's dilemma. Having never won that war with previous cats, Jazzy had her front paws laser declawed before she came home with us. There are scents you can apply to repel the cat scratching, but they never worked with Cloudy (Jazzy's predecessor).
Cool! New furniture!!!
And I am very impressed at your plying job on a spindle. That's one thing I've never had the patience to do. I'll spin it on the drop spindle, but ply it on the wheel.
Wsrm and cozy - Very Nice!!!!!
To bad I can't spell warm right. Sorry!
Oh, boy, new stuff!
Get some Sticky Paws - wide double stick tape that doesn't damage your furniture but the cat wont touch it. T.
It looks cozy, in The Netherlands we say; gezellig.
And the cat, I hope he doesn't get to wet (meaning that he keeps of of your new furniture :-)
Congrats; SO glad you are happy with it!
It looks great! Gives the room a much more finished look. Good color choice too. There is a no scratch stuff you can get to spray on your furniture. I first found it at PetsMart but our local big box store has it too. It doesn't smell like much to humans but for some reason cats won't scratch where it's been sprayed. It's worked on four cats so far, so I know it works.
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