We are finally getting our hay shelter up. We get our hay from Dave Brazil in Susanville. He's going to deliver hay to Mim next week and bring us more to fill 'er up. We're smart enough to know that we can't lift up the shed top, so will snag some of our younger family members at The Gathering. Mickey Mouth yelled at us the whole time we were putting it up. I swear he's a dogsheep.

These are the fabrics I selected for the third set of placemats. I was a little concerned that the pastel salmon isn't trendy, but I decided to go ahead.

This is how the colors showed up after I sewed the strips together and wound them into pinwheels. My mother used to say - in for a penny, in for a pound. I'm in for the pound and have started the third set of placemats on this warp.

I'm afraid this was a gamble that I lost. I have decided that I need inventory when I'm at a craft fair, and that's what this will end up being. I don't have many bright fabrics but I'll be putting them in the last set.
I was happy to snag this photo of Eddie. He's a rescue and seems to think a camera is a gun. He's a fabulous dog. I couldn't help think that in six weeks all this growth will be frozen and we'll be moving into our next season, possibly with a fire in the woodstove. How quickly this year has gone.
On the Kindle:
Every Patient Tells a Story: Medical mysteries and the art of diagnosis by Lisa Sanders.
From the Library:
The Tiger's Wife by Tea Obreht (named by
The New Yorker as one of the twenty best American fiction writers under forty)
In Paperback:
The Delta Girls by Gail Brandeis. I planned to say I'm reading this, but I started it yesterday and finished this afternoon. It's not great literature, but it was wonderful reading - one of those books that you totally tumble into. Now I have to wait another three years for her to write another book :(
My horse is already shedding his summer coat; fall is coming!
Autumn seems to be in the air in England, too. I can't say exactly what it is: a smell, a different kind of morning chill? But it's been there a few times this past week.
It's strange: I love the pinwheels with the salmon in, but not so much the placemats themselves. I haven't figured out why yet, though!
I really like the way the colors play out in that Sharon!
My Aussie is the same way with my camera, when I turn it on it kinda makes an electronic whine, he heads for the bedroom with his head down.
Horses here also starting to lay in winter coat. It's easy to spot, as the curls start to come back. We certainly can't complain about this summer so far. Pretty darn cool here and quite pleasant compared to other summers.
On place mats or napkins, unless for a formal table I'm a go bright or go home kind of girl, but I am sure someone will love them. There is no rule that says we have to be in love with everything we make. Just that it be made as well as we can manage and those look beautifully woven!
I really like the bright colors in the placemats. White tends to mute the colors you're using, so the brighter colors sure make the mats pop!
I love the look of those pinwheels, kind of like those jelly rolls they sell in the quilt shops - I've often thought of buying one to use as decor!
I love the placemats and the salmon color is especially nice!
The land around you looks so dry. August does feel like the beginning of autumn even though there has barely been a few weeks of summer here.
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