The other morning driving into work, I saw a number of cars and trailers parked by the Shoe Tree, and realized that it's been a while since I've taken any pictures of it. On my way home, I became the tourist myself.

What's on the tree changes from season to season, storm to storm. Piles of shoes appear on the ground under the tree after heavy winds. I always wonder who picks them up - not their mother!

When California DOT did major roadwork two years ago to widen the shoulders, they circled the tree with protective barrier tape. This poor broken tree has become the object of affection and three-year-old Granddaughter Alexia is saving a pair of red glitter shoes hang on it.

Storms completely and repeatedly empty the tree through-
out the year and I'm always amazed to see it fill up again. Who? Why? I am reluctant to help Alexia hang her shoes because these shoe adornments are temporary and I won't know how to explain to her why her shoes are no longer there.

That is really curious! Are there any local legends surrounding it?
How cool! A community art project..
Why not? It's a hoot!
I've never seen anything like that before!
I love that tree! I have a heart for transitory works of art, though I do understand your dilemma... you might plot out a story to tell her about someone coming along and needing them....
Clearly it is the Shoe Fairy who flies by from time to time to pluck the shoes and take them where they are most needed. (she knows these things) I believe she prefers dark and stormy nights. Tumbling about in the wind and rain is such fun.
Hi Sharon, although we chatted a bit about our lives I'd like to learn still more, so I've tagged you for a meme. Come on over to my blog....
In the military, this "throwing of the boots" meant you had gotten out of the service. Germany was adorned with sporadic testaments to someone fullfilling his military obligations. When we came back to the States, I began to notice the tradition spread to commumities surrounding military bases. That's all I know about it. Curious, isn't it?
HAHAHA! But hopefully someone is also thinking of the tree and bringing it a little fertilizer so it can keep growing...yes, the 'tree person in me' is coming out. Hehe. Love the photo, and of course love the cattledog - MY breed of choice!
How funny about the shoes! That's one well-heeled tree!
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