The baby sweater is done. I just need to get down to Jimmy Beans for buttons. I absolutely love the unique look that you get from the Schaffer Elaine thick-and-thin yarn and realize that with practice and dedication, I could actually spin something like it - oh well. I just wish this were machine washable, but then they don't advertise it as baby yarn. In fact, the first issue of
Weavezine has a scarf using this yarn in the warp.

I have used Mr. Rabbit as my model so you can see how cute the sweater is, but his ears are in the way. Best I can do - no babies here.

My spinning hasn't been very exciting, I must admit. I just finished this triple-plied Lincoln, spun for warp. I have decided that I want to learn the Cut Pile weaving that
Sara has been teaching and so have spun this according to her instructions at the retreat last June. I realize that I process and move slowly.

Are you as impressed as I am at how closely I guessed the filling of my three bobbins?
Allison and I are going to start meeting next week for a small tapestry study group - a Tapestry Club! I am so so excited. We'll also be doing the Sara Swett tapestry bag, woven from a box. I have a wretched work schedule for the next four months and won't get to see much of my friends or family, and so this was Allison's idea of how to sweeten this lonely period. Aaah, friends~ I am rich.
Oooooh a tapestry group!! What fun!! Can't wait to see that "fruit of the loom".
What a cute little baby sweater! I love the texture of that yarn.
Nice sweater! You know you've been spinnin' a while when your bobbins come out close like that. :)
The sweater is GREAT! Very close estimate on the bobbins. If I have a lot of one color / roving to spin, I've started weighing it then dividing it. It helps.
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