ing this yarn that I spun a couple of years ago when we rented a cabin on the Fern River in Felton, California. It was a delightful experience and I've wanted to do the yarn justice to preserve the memory. One ply is grey Corriedale/ Rambouillet and the other ply is something I got from Kate Painter when I bought my Lendrum, way back when she owned Paradise Fibers. She had created a fiber cocktail from a variety of colors blend into a white wool. I assume the wool is Coopworth since that's what she raises. When I saw Michelle's Sonnet sweater yesterday, I knew that I had found my pattern. Sonnet can be made from any gauge fiber since you plug your figures into the spaces. I had thought about dyeing the yarn with indigo, but I've decided to leave it as it is. But first I have a baby sweater to knit. It's a girl! We're going to have a grandniece in October.
My poor colum-
bines are as trauma-
tized as the day lilies by the frosts. That's why I'm planting the tomatoes in Walls of Water. By the time I'm done, it'll look like a tomato prison!
And this is our most recent acqui-
sition. Notice, I didn't say purchase. Joe's wife Shiho liked one of my felted bags so we traded, my bag for his pot. I absolutely love it. By the way, the dark specks on the right are complete arrowheads that son Josh found last summer in the creek runs behind our house.
I absolutely love pottery. It's something I would never do myself, but I love it just the same. And I really like that swatch. The way the colors are working out is fantastic.
Sonnet looks like a great knit! Congrats to your family on the baby-to-be.
Bummer about the columbine plants. Those are my favorite flowers. I didn't really notice how great they were until I saw tons of them in Colorado a few years ago. The only things I like almost as much are clematis, Virginia bluebells, and Indian paintbrush!
I have many lovely memories and a few pictures of that cabin in Felton. Here you are plying that yarn:
It makes a lovely swatch!
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