Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hey diddle dumpling, my grandson John

At the airport, Christina says an emotional hello to the baby she relin-
quished over 23 years ago. Her ten-year-old son looks on.

These are his wonderful parents. I meant to have more pictures, but well, it was pretty emotional and I meant to take more pictures. I just said that.
Chrissie and her boys. I have no idea where anyone else is. Did I mention it was an emotional moment???

Kitchens seem to be the place people collect to visit. I caught this picture that night after they got here. John went with Chrissie to her belly dancing classes - they were the first classes of the semester and she really needed to teach them. They were both exhausted.
They're looking through the photo box - I've pulled everything from the magnetic albums in antici-
pation of placing them in archival albums this winter. Back row: DD Chris, DS Josh, me - Front row: Alexia, John DS Matt and his girlfriend Julia. John and Matt has been texting for weeks and were instant best friends.
I'm not sure that any one picture shows how much John and Matt look like each other, but I can tell you that more than once over the weekend, I'd catch one out of the corner of my eye and be fooled.
Alexia was absolutely in love with her big brother, maybe a little to the excessive side.

A little ham~

I'm thinking that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

John's parents are simply unbelievably wonderful. His mom Karen and I enjoy a laugh as the boys look at photos of Matt's childhood artistic expressions. She made two photo albums for Chrissie. John made insanely similar projects. Matt and John spent time talking about their art, bands and their music. Matty was only five when his newly anticipated "brother" didn't come home from the hospital and it was very hard on him. I don't know what to think. Nature vs nurture? His parents are so cultivating. I don't know what to think. I just said that.


Kathy said...

Sharon, you know John's parents had to be nice people. After all, they chose to open their hearts and make room for him in them. I think it's great they have been so supportive of him and your DD getting to meet again after all these years.
Looks like you've got a great family no matter how you look at it. ;)

Valerie said...

ok, you were right.....worth waiting for!

Congratulations and thanks for sharing.

vlb5757 said...

The whole story is very touching. Who would have words the emotions that were swirling around in the room. I hope that you are all able to continue to keep the lines of communication open and have long happy relationships!

Michelle said...

I don't know that I would have had the presence of mind to take ANY photos! What a thrilling - and emotionally exhausting - experience!

MiniKat said...

What a lucky young man to have such a wonderful family... and then to have it grow exponentially. Such love. It's very moving. Thank you for sharing. :-)

~~Sittin.n.Spinnin said...

I sought out and found my brother and sister, after they had spent 35 years away from my Mom. When my brother came to see her for the first time, he got out of the car, he handed me a video camera and asked me to hold it... he didn't tell me the damn thing was on. He got a vid of my leg LOL You did good Grandma!

Wool Enough said...

Sniff. Yeah, I was tearing up a bit. what a fabulous reunion!

bspinner said...

Wonderful family event!!!!! Thanks for sharing.

beadlizard said...

I knew this post would make me cry. I am so happy for you all!

Life Looms Large said...

What a touching story.


Theresa said...

Wonderful! I'm so happy for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

I can empathize with the emotional part of your meeting. They are feelings like none other. Congrats to all involved.