Saturday, January 30, 2010
Chosing Colors
Friday, January 29, 2010
Female Bonding Day
Last night I was thinking about putting a warp on Maudie Mae for these rag strips. That changed today when my Webs order came today. I need to put on a warp for dishtowels instead. The dishtowels have a birthday deadline. The placemats are on my DIL's wish list. Either way, I'm thrilled to have projects in the wings.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
What's Up
My woodworking friend Dale came out today to see my shuttles and spindles. He wasn't enthusiastic about shuttles and he explained why. Spindles,on the other hand, he fell in love with. He's going to take another look at the link I sent him for Ken Ledbetter's spindles. When he left, his mind churning with possabilities. Amy and I are going to visit his studio next month with her spindle collection. I only have three.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
University of Nevada, Reno
ities. In the irony of ironies, the woman who hired Chrissie was someone whom I had hired. I loved working on campus and so does she.
istration, across from Manzanita Lake, is the first building inside the original main entrance. It's named for Walter Van Tilburg Clark, author of The City of Trembling Leaves and The Oxbow Incident. I'm disappointed in the quality of my photos. The battery life was nearly dead and I hadn't brought a back-up. Lesson learned.

Lexie's lunch was a plate of pasta noodles and a huge bowl of ice cream. She is posing for me because I told her she moved too fast for my phone camera. The rest of the pictures were worse. It was such a nice visit. I helped me forget about the fatal rollover we had seen on our way to town.
The rain started last night and the snow is just about melted, leaving our yard and road deep in mud. Our world was one of ice this morning, and on the pavement, black ice. I'm glad we waited until it warmed a little before making our grocery run. How icy was it? Ian's truck slid on the driveway ice and you could see the grooves from his studded snow tires. That's how icy. And when we left in Eleanor, he put the emergency brake on at the gate and she started sliding back down the hill. Icy!!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Colors of January
Sue has called for the Colors of the Month. I realize now that I don't tend to venture out with camera in extreme weather. It's been nicer here and it's been not nicer here. Colors of January from Northwest Nevada.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
In Between Storms
Pink Panther Clerk (who just suffered a dog bite: "You said your dog does not bite." Peter Sellers: "That is not my dog."
That is not my dog.
These however are my dogs and they are nearly beside themselves, trying to be outside dogs when the temps say - stay inside. It's still below freezing. Peterson Mountain looked so pretty this morning. As I type this tonight, a bank of storm clouds is crossing with tomorrow's storm. But for this morning, it was very pretty.
stein sock form! I bought a pair of cedar sock forms last year from Carolina Homespun and was terribly disappointed a couple of pairs ago to pull one form out in two pieces. The wood is discolored along the site of the split which indicates to me that it was flawed. Today I stapled it together, though I don't know how long it will hold.
And the disaster warp is sleyed.
Friday, January 22, 2010
One Step Forward

Granddaughter Alexia has a new celebratory word. Hah-lay-YOU-lah! I think that just about sums it up.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
One Step Forward, One Step Back
I'm not sure this warp is weavable, but Miss Millie and I have become pretty good friends in this process. I've ordered more cotton for birthday towels so don't want to dress Maudie Mae until it gets here. The way I see it is, I have more time than money. Were I still drawing a salary, I would have cut this off and chalked it up to experience.
Amy brought back this terrific button for me from a Black Sheep Gathering a couple of years ago and I still haven't put it to use. The flash negates the green, but it's there. This is the winter that I could use another cardigan. I'm wearing one of my sweaters right now!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Lost in Space and Time and Snow
tions. They were thought provoking - just what I wanted. I wake up each morning with my mind in full gear - most irritating. This morning I awoke knowing that her name was Miss Millie. I think the Miss is result of my discussion last night with Lindsey, a nod to Mr. Gilmore. When I picked up my loom in Stockton, Judy Allen of Gilmore Looms told me that not even she knew his first name. So, a little formality is the nod. I have no idea where Millie came from.
I was stunned when I came back to Compose to see that I hadn't uploaded a picture of socks, but of firewood. I have decided to leave it since it's what we're all about these days, around the clock. I had intended to show you the unmatched pair of Noro socks from while I was spinning this morning. Only spinners take off their shoes in public, but you already know that so you get firewood instead.
Earlier this week I discovered a problem with getting updated blog notifications. Bloglines just won't update some of my subscriptions, but those same blogs seem to show up in my Blogger Follows. The ones Blogger won't display, Bloglines does. I don't get it. It's like quarreling prom queens. I have missed so many posts, I don't know where to begin. I've been playing catch-up for days. I wondered where you guys were and some of you had anything to say.
I have been asked if I still play the accordian, and alas, I no longer own one. Maybe that's - thanks God she no longer owns one- I don't know. It does seem to be having a come back. For a long I refused to tell anyone that I had taken years of lessons. I could play Myron Florin polkas, oh yeah baby.
Just Read:
Plainsong by Kent Haruf, a National Book Award finalist. I loved that such a complex story could be told through a handful of characters. Wonderful characterizations; prose spare, yet rich. I went to read the sequel tonight and realized immediately that I was disapointed. I decided to let it be a stand alone book for me. Plainsong is one of my favorites this year. I know it's only January, but I still think it'll hold. I almost said the prose was lyrical but after reading the book below, I realize just how over-used that term is when applied to fiction.
I also just finished How I Became a Famous Novelist by Steve Hely. While I consider this to be a Nick Hornby-ish book, i.e., dark comedy, at the same time, Hely parodies big name authors and the book industry as a whole. The writing is insanely brilliant. It is a one-man show where he has to all the characters, all the voices. I laughed, and while I'm not sure it's funny, I can tell you I will be thinking about it for a very long time.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Think Think Think
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Deadline Met
The first two towels are in the 2/2 twill that I as experi-
menting with. I thought they were really different while I was weaving, but from a distance, I can see that, not so much.

This week is Retro Photo Week on Facebook so I'll leave you with the blast-
past photo that I scanned and posted today.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
It was an Expensive Day
Also also wik (think Monty Python), once I lost control, I also bought the enamel-
clad cast iron pot. It replaces one that I got as a wedding gift back in the dark ages and that wore out years ago. It makes great rice. The pan on the right was a freebie - don't what its use is.
woven for Jeanie. She was on the phone and held up a finger - wait a minute. We've become a mini-study group of two, both learning. It's neat to inch forward together. I should have tossed the magazine to her and run.
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