said Winne-the-Pooh. This is my eight-harness 40" Gilmore. I am in the process of winding a warp for it today. I have only used it for the width and each time it was plain weave. I decided to stop calling it my big loom and name it. I hope I will feel more engaged with it if I assert ownership. I've been thinking for weeks now. The list as of the dog walk this morning was Hilda, Judy Sue, Precious and Sweetie Pie. I looked through some of my favorite books after I got back and added Aunt Ida from
Yellow Raft in Blue Water. Then I saw a book that I enjoyed so much that I read it again last year -
The Eight by Katherine Neville. The story is about chess and eight chess pieces, but it struck a chord with me since my loom also has eight harnesses. I have added Sophie, Minnie and Sister Nim to the list. Any suggestions???
I haven't named my RH, I guess I should. How about Gil, short for Gilmore. Of course there's the Gilmore Girls, Lorelai, Rory and Emily. I can see where this would be harder than one thinks.
I'm probably over-thinking this but I'm trying to find names that reflect what I see as characteristics of the loom. The other two were a piece of cake compared to this one. I've been trapped in this "think" state for months now.
I'm not a 'namer' of items, but for some reason, 'Aunt Ida' and 'Sister Nim' appeal to me hugely. They are quirky, yet comforting names, I think, which are also redolent of authority.
What about "He who shall remain unnamed"?
I loved that book. Her next book wasn't very good - it had the same basic plot (kinda like Dan Brown's books do).
Why don't you name her after Gilmore himself? How about Gilly. You could pronounce it as in the Great Gilly Hopkins or as Jilly.
I have never named my loom but it is definitely a HE. What is it that makes an inanimate object have the 'persona' of male or female? A conundrum to me.
How'd you like all the wind i this storm that came through yeesterday?
Maybe when you start to weave with this loom, the name will become clearer to you?
Do not fear the 8! Embrace them!!!
If you lay a number eight on it's side it is the symbol for infinity, never ending, yin/yang, the circle (8) of life... How is that for yogic inspiration for a name for your looming large loom.... good luck!
I have none! Personally I think "Big Loom" is as fine a name as any, but then I'm not much on naming things except cats and rabbits.
Sharon, I don't have a name suggestion, but have a question; have you noticed I still haven't been able to purchase any of your soap? lol it seems like every time I get close to doing it I forget, or you don't have any or we don't connect or something! Let me know, I still would like to buy some.
I think Nim would be best. When it's being uncooperative, you can call it Nim-rod...
Ida May (as in Ida-May-Get-a-Warp One-of-these-days)
Now I'm thinking Lida Rose and the score from The Music Man is wafting through my wee brain...
For a loom? I'm not much of a namer either, but do prefer those with a sense of humor, so I liked Kathy's suggestion of Ida May. Then there's Waffle (as in the weave), or Tuck (Tuck Everlasting is one of my favorite youth books) or Huck (toweling)... this could inspire a whole new line of thinking on your next walk!
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