I finally finished as many of these as I am going to for now. Ian really liked them in the bowl, so I may have to knit some for him too. Little Sharon and I are going to collaborate on a birthday present for a very special little girl who is turning two in September, but we haven't gotten to the point of deciding who is going to knit what.

I wanted enough of them to made a showing in a market bag. I found this pattern in the online
Knitting Daily. It's supposed to be made from linen but I held two strands of unmercerized 5/2 cotton together and it did the job. Linen would be better at holding the shape. I thought I had some, but you know how that goes.

I was in town all day so had lunch with DD Chris and Alexia on campus. I gave Alexia her market bag when we picked her up from her campus school. She was thrilled and wanted to show all her friends (who were still in session) all of her produce. The teacher wasn't as thrilled as Lexie.

She wore the bag to lunch and only took it off long enough to eat. She's mugging with the poster. They used her picture from a couple of years ago when they put this together. Chrissie works in Residential Life, i.e., dorm and food management, which is why we eat in the dining commons and why Alexia can go to the campus school. I'm not sure I will ever knit another baby sweater. There's a whole world of 3D knitting out there and a whole lot more appreciation for toys than clothes.

When I got home, there was an Amazon box on the counter with these two books. More 3D knitting!
Beryl Moody recommended this rag rug book to me, saying it's been praised by the rag rug weavers in the Foothill Fiber Guild. I'm really excited to dig in. I would never have gotten off the ground without
Hilary's help and the book she send. I'm progressing at glacial speeds, but tomorrow I throw the shuttle - again, but this time with the corrected strips.
These Amazon boxes: aren't they great!?
Alexia clearly likes her markeet bag a lot!
Great job! They look all good enough to eat and I like the bowl display too.
I've been looking at that knit book. So many clever things. Bogged down on my crab, but finally getting it going after try 3!
Hmm...gives a whole new meaning to "don't play with your food" !!
I've wanted to see that rag rug book as well, particularly because most of the photo's come from the Finnish weavers of Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Last Thurs. I went on the library's website and filled out an acquisition recommendation form. By that afternoon, I rec'd an email thanking me for the suggestion, telling me the book had been ordered and is reserved for me first when it's ready for circulation.
I know I've said it before...but I so love our local library.
I'll lend you my Knitted Farmyard and Knitted Gardens books if you will lend me your Amigurumi book. :-)
If you enjoyed knitting the veggies and are interested in toys visit this blog
She does some really cute things on there. Enjoy and really great job on the market bag and goodies
Look at the cool preying mantis on the book cover!!!
The veggies and bag look great! She'll play with then for years.
I LOVE these vegetables!
So glad she liked the veggies! Knitted toys are super fun, aren't they? Plus, they always fit someone!!
I've copied a ton of patterns out of that knitting book. One of my knitting buddies has it. I love it!! Haven't knit anything from it yet....but some day!
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