The weather has finally warmed up enough that I think I'll be able to make soap. I have to measure and weigh in the garage where I keep my supplies. I also have to mix the lye solution in the garage. However, I first have to thaw out my olive oil. We had planned to go into Nevada Museum of Art yesterday to see the Gees Bend quilts, then discovered that the museum is closed on Tuesdays. We'll go tomorrow so that leaves Friday for soap.

I finally got the warp on to begin the rag rug place mats and discovered that I had cut the rags too thick for this project. Linda loaned me
A Rug Weaver's Source Book so I read Inga Krook's chapter on rag rugs and realized these wefts had to come and and be cut thinner. I have unwoven, but I haven't re-cut. Instead I started winding a warp for Maudie Mae. I need some comfort weaving.

Even though I'm not able to weave yet, I was able to test the anti-spin device that Bob Allen sent me. It works and now I can see how it works. A small thin piece of maple is screwed into the inside of the back beam support arm. (It's just below the brake holding the cog.) The spring installed on the outside applies pressure and creates just enough friction to prevent that unwanted spin. I am now in love with Miss Millie. Suddenly all the loom lust I was feeling has dissipated.

I came down for lunch about 1:00 and found Charlie guarding my knitted produce. I've added a couple apples and pears. I joked that I pared down the pears to a pair. I had to stop and think
how to spell it - our language challenges me and I'm a native speaker!

It's always cooler downstairs so I added a shirt, fixed my lunch and sat down at the table to eat. I was antsy to get back to work, but when I realized that it was actually warmer outside the house than inside, well - that all went out the window, and I went out the door, heh, heh. I noticed this morning that I got a bit of a rosy glow yesterday. We may not have anything growing yet, but we do have gorgeous skies.
Have a super day looking at those quilts!
We're having warmer weather too, but as you say, not quite there, but it will have to be enough to do some goat wrangling today.
Hooray on the loom fix!
Those placemats are going to be outstanding! That's a nice twill pattern and the smaller rags will show it off more. Charlie is going to love it when you start cutting those strips!
It's fun when we fall in love with our equipment all over again.
Sounds like you're getting more of the "retirement rhythm" going! ("right out the door"!)
We are having a lovely weather week as well. At last!!
With a fantastic view like that I think I would be outside all day and never get anything done!
I luv your knitted fruit:)
And I see bare toes again! Let's hope that this time it won't be followed up by snow in a week.
I have never woven a rug as I've been told my looms aren't strong enough for it. How does this affect your looms?
The photo of Chalies is so cute!!!!! As is the one with your toe.
I'm sure your placemats will be great. Can't wait to see them.
I don't know why, but you are creating in me a serious desire to make soap. 'Cos what I need is another hobby...how long 'til retirement?
I'm not a native speaker, but I lovet your pared pair of pears! And Carlie: of course carly is the best of all.
Sorry: in my last comment: a t where it shouldn't be and h's dropped.... it must be bedtime here.
Hope you made it to the Gees Bend show. My mother lives in Chester and goes to Reno regularly, and she was so impressed with the show she bought a membership to the museum so she could come back - and she has: twice!
Glad your loom repair worked!
Love the fruits & veggies as always.
Hope you figure out some relatively painless way to fix the rug strips.
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