That hint of spring quickly flitted away, taking away any hint with her. I love the
Nevada City Inn, and when I heard the rain start in earnest last night before midnight I got worried. It showed serious intent toward snow by breakfast. It was hard to "throw in the towel" since I was there with towels for show-
and-tell for the weave study group, but I respect the Sierra weather. It doesn't negotiate.
This is my April show-and-tell. I'm disappointed

to have missed the meeting but after all these years living here, I'm happy we beat the storm. It was fun to have a day out, nice to get away, even as bizarre it ended up. I like being safe in the end.

I knitted every bit I could. Tomorrow is my daughter's significant birthday. I couldn't finish the loom project I wanted to give her so finished this instead - it's a pair. Squint
DIL Missy called this evening to thank me for the rag placemats - she loves them. Even better - they are happy with their new home in Oregon. I could not wish for better. It just has been the best goofy day.
Oh that snow, I really don't like it and now seeing you have all that snow again brrr.
Gratulations with your daughters birhtday, hope she has a happy, healty and loving next year.
Spring is playing some tricks on us this year isn't she?
Latest I can remember snow is June 4th. I am waking up to about the same scene this morning complete with fearsome wind gusts, so we're sending more your way. The socks looks great!
I LOVE those socks! How lucky she is to have you knit her socks!!! Spring snows around here are very rare...thank goodness. We'll look at your pictures and go, "Ah..."
Who says socks have to match? I love them!
Sorry about your missing the meeting - it would have been fun. But, there's always a next time (maybe in the summer...).
You're right, it doesn't negotiate, glad you were home safe and warm :)
No more showing off bare feet resting on the railing of the deck until August! It's just asking for more snow, and in August you might want the relief. :)
How does your garden grow? With snow dusted hills and icicle spears, and little cold llamas all in a row.
I love those socks!
Instead of "fraternal socks" perhaps they are "mother-daughter" socks?! Very much alike and yet very independent. I love them!
So sorry for your April snow. The previous post with Lexie was so spring like....
Snow!? your still getting snow? I'm envious, yes I know your over it but I'm already melting down here.
Love, love, love those socks... totally wonderful colours and I adore fraternal socks just because they're so fun!
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