I began this day as I begin all days, with my spinning wheel and two cups of coffee. I decided it was time to finally change out my old fast flier for the new one I bought at Black Sheep in June. The groove in mine just keeps getting deeper. I also thought it was time to trade out the wire guide that was wearing and catching fiber for one of the three new ones I bought at the same time. Mind you, these are all Lendrum parts. My current guide is on the left. Do you notice anything? Like none of them are the same size, which means they all too big to clear the mother-of-all. They don't even make one rotation. I am so disgusted. I'm sending this picture to the vendor I bought these guides from. I realize they don't make them - they just sell them, but these are unworkable.

Not much fibering going on here, though I finally have my reassigned sweater ready for it's new life. I think this looks more like it might have been a sweater than my photo of balls. It was a day of cleaning - half of the floors are washed and waxed. I'm not trying to show off a clean house for the gathering this weekend, I'm trying to protect what's left my wood floors.

I'll finish the floors tomorrow, but tonight I was pooped so got back to work on knitting vegetables for my grand-niece's upcoming birthday. They're easy enough to knit, I just need the time. Our first guest rolls in on Wednesday. We're fixin' to get ready and howdy!
The grooves in the flyers of my spinning wheels are also getting deeper and deeper. The husband of ione of my spinning friends put a brass piece on one of them, which works great. (It's on the red spinning wheel you saw some time ago in one of my posts. And to finally answer your question: no, it isn't a special make. It came as a kit years ago and I stained it red myself. It was just called 'Scandinavian spinning wheel kit').
Well what a bummer on the Lendrum parts. Hope you get the correct one soon. The veggies look so cute.
Enjoy your family gathering, it always looks like such fun!
You know, on the loom, you can always try craigslist and while you think it's a weaving wasteland, there may be a wanna be weaver just hoping for a loom to come along. You guys travel regularly to OR, which is not a loom waste land.;)
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