I've cut the warp; the rug is done. I couldn't help think how comfort-
able I was with this one, my fourth. The first rug was so confusing to me and really, there's not much to it other than cutting and sewing strips.

I'm shuffling rugs around. In spite of the tremen-
dous amount of work that went into this rug, it has to go. The last time I washed it I had to constantly stop the drier and unload the lint trap. I had more than a lunch sack of lint by the time it was dry. It has less body after each washing and it's not serving it's function as a rug.

I like the new rug. I used plain weave and I think the stripes of yellow are quite cheerful.

I put the new rug where this runner used to be and now this runner is replacing the denim rug. I'm already looking forward to my next rag rug, but I've wound a short warp so I can sample Rosepath for dishtowels. I could kick myself when I think of all the dishtowels I've woven and had I added an additional 18" of warp, I could have samples in my notebook of everyone of them. Doh.

Meanwhile, now that my sewing machine isn't buried in cloth strips, I've cut out this pattern from some cotton I purchased last year. I'm testing the white blouse because I want to make it from huck lace but I don't want to test the pattern on handwoven cloth! Plus, I need to remember how to sew. It's been so long that all my patterns are size small, which I obviously am not.

My cardigan is coming along nicely. Charlie is testing it for warmth.

The storm moved on after dropping another foot of snow, and by late afternoon, it looked like this. It's one thing to pop out the door for a quick picture.

It's another if you're a llama and are trying to find your poop pile. In case you didn't know it, they always poop in the same place, which is very handy when it comes time to clean up.

The thermo-
meter registered zero when I stepped outside this morning to take this. It was so cold that moisture in the air was freezing and drifting to the ground. The sun was just coming up so the air literally was twinkling. Ian and I were both stopped in our tracks by the lyrical magic.
Your rugs look great!!!!
The snow not so much.
I guess I am just sick of it.
I don't have the constitution for zero any more. The occasional teens and twenties here are enough!
So sorry to hear that the denim rug is failing you. That's got to be disheartening. But the new rug is stunning!
Don't throw out the denim rug!!! Now that you've gotten all the lint out of it and softened it up, it should weave up even better the second time around! I have a denim rug that has been woven 4 times. I even tell the people who buy my denim rugs to bring them back and I'll reweave them - new rug from old strips equals discount!
oh, and by the way. I don't put my rugs in the dryer. They get hung up to dry... I don't have to worry about lint, and they do last longer that way!
I'm with re'New..... I don't put any of the rugs in the dryer, only line dry from the sides, not from the ends. They look great!!!!
I think it's hilarious that you thought of the llamas looking for the poop pile.! It is sooo llama.
Nice rugs too.
Oh great rug Sharon! And I love that Vogue shirt pattern and the green cotton. It's always good to test those patterns out before cutting handwoven stuff. :)
It will all come back to you quickly. You never forget how to sew.
Oh that's just pitiful having to look for his poop pile. Hope he found it. The boys ( horses) each have their own favorite poop spots but certainly don't stress about getting there, although I've seen both Cooper and Dandy head from shelter to theirs. They all never poop in their shelter. All that lovely snow will turn to slush and mud soon enough. Enjoy it's bright fresh sparkle! -5F here yesterday morning. Can you say cranky diesel tractor 3 times fast. I got to say it for about 10 minutes convincing Bob to start!
Your scenery is stunning at any time of the year! I do like your rugs. Too bad the one isn't holding up to wear. I'd be inclined to just toss it on the porch or deck to dry, rather than use the dryer. Interesting fact about the Llamas. I hadn't known that before.
What a great looking rug!
Your view is very magical indeed.
I wish the sheep would be like the alpacas and poop in one spot...wouldn't that be handy :-)
I was thinking that you could stuff the denim rug and make it a dog bed...
Oh, I do like your new rug and you are right, that yellow makes the colors zing!
Whoa, that's a LOT of snow.
I like your new rug, especially with the bright yellow! The snow looks wonderful-do you guys snowshoe or cross country ski?
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