I am doing a program for the library in a couple of weeks and trying to assemble my thoughts and materials. I realize I could do a lot of this by Powerpoint, but fiber is a tactile experience.
Someone gave me the flier when I was last in which says, "Sheep to Shawl: Join Sharon Campbell, of the Carson Sierra Spinners Guild, and experience the journey from collecting wool, to spinning yarn to knitting colorful creations to wear and enjoy. Sharon will bring her tools of the trade and will talk about everything from raising llamas to felting." Now that I've started getting my thoughts in order, I think it's going to be fun, though I don't raise llamas - Ian does - and I don't felt - Mim does.

Ian and I took a drive on Sunday up to Sierra Valley for Mexican food at
Dos Hermanos in Sierraville - we think it's best in our latitude. We drove across A23 to check out the wetlands and see what birds are here, and found the area completely under water. This is a pasture and will be again later this year, though those black specks on the right are coots.

Passenger time is good knitting time. My Noro cardi is progres-
sing. We stopped at
Woolly Notions, a wonderful little yarn shop in Graegle, California. They're big fans of Noro and were interested in my choice to go stripey in the round instead of chunks of color in separate knitted pieces. I'm interested too. I haven't seen anyone else do this. Perhaps there's a reason why.

I'm trying to make the best use of the sun these few pleasant days and couldn't help taking a couple pictures of the clouds - they're always different and always interesting.

I stuffed my camera in my sweatshirt this morning when I took the dogs for their walk. These form a completely different cloud picture. They're called lenticular, wave or wind clouds. They look like flying saucers hovering near the mother ship. Thanks to orographic lifting, we get wonderful cloud displays.

Those little lens clouds tell me that there are high winds aloft, which will be followed by high winds at my house later. Sure enough, the wind hit here by noon and when checking the NOAA foroecast, I see we have a little bit of storm to follow. No thank you. I'm trying to cut down.
So unusual to check out your blog and see a body of water!
Glad you've had some sunshine. We are in for a week of April showers.
Good luck with your presentation.
Wonderful cloud photos!
Those pictures are amazing! The blues are so deeply saturated. Very nice.
Wow! You get the coolest clouds out there. Those circular ones are very interesting.
Enjoy the sun while you can!!!
I LOVE NORO and really like the colors in yours. What is the pattern? Cloud formation just amaze me.
I luv the colours of your Noro cardi.
You live in such a beautiful area Sharon...I enjoy your pics very much :-)
Nice pictures.
I've been running my dog up at Rancho San Rafel and I keep forgeting my camera. One of these days. Heidi
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