My light came this morning. There's not a whole lot of informa-
tion included, other than they recommend I start with 30 minutes and position it 18" away, allowing the light to bathe my face. Oddly, I picked up
The Emotional Calendar: Understanding season influence and milestones to become happier, more fulfilled, and in control of your life on the New Books display at the library last week.

I'm going to start with this set-up tomorrow morning for 30 minutes of spinning. Dr. Sharp, the book's author writes, "What causes seasonal affective disorder? Although we don't know for sure, there is evidence that people with SAD have a problem with their circadian clocks. Ideally, the circadian clock responds to seasonal change in sunlight, shifting a person's sleep schedule to match natural changes in sunrise and sunset. In people with SAD, however, this shift seems to to overboard as winter approaches. For these people, increased melatonin production brings sleep late at night, causing an evening insomnia. Tiredness and lethargy during the day is a common result." He notes that the light box appears to be effective. I'll let you know. My SAD has a retirement onset.

I've finished the first two skeins of my triple-ply tweed blue wool/
mohair. I've had the roving for several years but thought it was kind of ugly. The yarn is gorgeous and full of complex colors, including red. Discovery is part of the fun of spinning.

Alexia arrived last night to spend the last week of spring break with us. She wanted to hold the skeins for my picture and I can't say no to cute. Her interest in fiber activities continues to grow with every visit.

I finished the skeins this morning to clear off the wheel because Alexia has been asking since last night to try the spinning wheel again. She is much more comfortable this time and is doing a better job of keeping her hands far enough apart so she's not holding both ends of the fiber. She can keep the wheel rotating in the right direction, rethread it for herself when the fiber separates and "fix it myself." She is so much further than I was when I first started learning and in a much shorter time.

After lunch today I took Alexia to Art Club. Once a month we meet to paint and Sherry graciously offers her wonderful and huge studio for the work space. Alexia did a marvelous job and was so eager that she finished ahead of most of us. (I just realized that her painting in on the counter to the right of the light in my first photo.) Sherry had also finished so took Alexia to see the horses.
Well, lets hope the light does the trick! Sounds like another fun filled week with Lexie. And it truly looks like her spinning skills are improving. Someday you may be passing on that wheel..or maybe chipping in for one of her own. :)
How is your old sewing machine doing for it's new seamstress?
Good for Lexi!! That is gorgeous yarn too :-)
That roving/yarn looks familiar. I think I have some too that I bought sometime in the past. Maybe I'll spin it soon.
Good luck with the light. The weather has gotten to us too.
I'm curious to hear if the light helps! Lexie's really coming along with that spinning.
That grand-daughter of your is one talented kid. I'm glad she is getting the encouragement she deserves.
The joy of learning when young - no fear of making mistakes, so they just do it and learn quickly. It sounds like she's also got the patience to sit and learn. The art day sounds like lots of fun.
Keep us updated on the light. I'm sure lots of us living in areas with long, grey winters would love to know if it works.
The tweedy yarn is beautiful. How wonderful for you that you are able to share these special skills with your granddaughter. I am very curious about the light and how you react to it. I have considered one of these also.
Have you been tested for a Vitamin D deficiency? My nurse practitioner found that I have one the last time I was in, and after only two weeks of taking prescription-strength vitamins, I am starting to feel allot better. I have been reading about this on the net, and it ties in with winter, SAD, etc. Our skin makes vitamin D, and after being inside through the winter, it's common to be deficient.
Brenda in Iowa.
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