The fair is next week and I'm still trying to get my four entries ready to go. I don't enter for the competition as much as the hope the entries will generate interest from the public. The fair is our guild's biggest fiber outreach of the year. I spaced the deadline so was frantically trying to think of things I could enter but could only think of four. I didn't even enter a skein. This is
not retirement behavior.
I've entered my second Sonnet sweater, as pathetic as it is. My scarf is done and well modeled by the glass head. I think the shot shows both the color variegation and the pattern.

The pattern is Falling Leaf and I spun the yarn from 50/50 Ram-
bouillet/ Alpaca with a little bunny added in for halo. It's about three yards long but only weighs 4 ounces. That's all the yarn I had left. I feel like I'm wearing a cloud. I am so pleased with it, unlike the scarves I made from silk. I don't care if the judge shares my sentiment or not.

I also entered a pair of socks, thinking I'd have the time to spin up some yarn and knit them up. Remember now that I almost missed the entry deadline. This goes under the category of "What was I thinking?" What
was I thinking!! Then I remembered that I had started these at our guild fiber retreat in September last year - a month after the last fair. Phew.

The last item entered is the TV lap robe from handspun and I know I seem to be dragging my feet. This is by far the most challenging project from handspun that I have engaged in to date. I sett it very loosely, only 8 epi and ppi, because the yarn is so spoingy. I am anticipating that once it's off the loom and given a bath that is will pull in and full up, big time. But I don't
know that, hence my reluctance. Tomorrow is scrapbook Friday with DIL Missy so I won't be back to the loom until Saturday. Sunday is out - granddaughter Lexie's fifth birthday party. Why do I enter things in the fair that I haven't even started on anyway?!!

Guess who got new catnip added to his scratcher~
I heard a rumor that Ravelry added weaving to their options last weekend. Upon checking just now, I can tell you that is not a rumor, it is a fact.
Oh, you ARE a glutton for punishment! I hope you get it all done!
I didn't even get anything entered this year, but I did go out and sit outside the wool barn and do a demo spin for 4 hours last night - boy was I tired of sitting & spinning! T.
It will be fine, whatever you get done will be just wonderful and no doubt you will over promise for next year. :-). The throw looks amazing!
The lap robe web is looking wonderful!! Uhm....you do know that retirement is not a competitive activity?
RE: public internet access....duh, I am pretty literal sometimes.
All of your entries look great!!! I'm swatching for a scarf for my niece right now - and I'm doing a very similar pattern to yours in red. I like it a lot.
I'll be really interested to see how the lap blanket comes out. You know I aspire to blanket weaving....although blankets are the farthest thing from my mind while it's so hot.
OK, I might be pretty lame at using ravelry....but where did you find weavers? I did find a "Warped Weavers" group. I love ravelry for knitting - even though all I do is browse!
Best of luck at the fair! The scarf is just lovely. All those nice blues...
Beautiful stuff Sharon! I cant wait to see that scarf in person!
lol @ Charlie!
Garysue offered to carry my entries home with her earlier this week so they will be there on Wednesday, I wont be there until Thursday evening and not to the fair until Friday morning. Se you then!
Everything looks great. The scarf is my favorite!
You've sure been a busy gal. I love your scarf!!! Looks great on your new "head". Socks look warm and comfy. Nice colors!!! I can't wait to see your lap blanket.
Have fun at the fair!!!
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