I was doing a memory walk through our New York City pictures from last October this evening and was arrested by this image I took when were at Fulton Market. I had been completely taken by that fascinating tower in the background.

I got as close as I could and took another shot. It was such an exciting building, and then I forgot about it until I read the article in The New Yorker at breakfast this morning and which you can read about
here. No wonder I was captivated. The architect is Frank Gehry. And in case architecture isn't your affliction, he is the name behind the Walt Disney Hall and the Bilbao Guggenheim Museum.

As for what I'm spinning, I have no idea. This bump was a birthday present from
Amy about three years ago. I know it's Ashland Bay but it's very dense and heavy. I'm stash busting and it's just time to spin this up, whatever it is.

I'm spinning for a triple ply yarn and in looking at this picture, I think I see a halo, as in maybe mohair? That would explain why the bump feels so heavy. It's much prettier on the bobbin than in the bump.

Knitting: I have been working on this project for so long that this morning at our knit-in, they teased me that fairies are adding to my yarn at night when I sleep. I'm knitting on it while I watching NCAA and it still seems to be never ending. How do you trap a knitting fairie?

Meanwhile, I've cast on and started my next project. Quandry. The difference between medium and large is 11 inches! I don't want the sweater to be as big as large but won't be able to wear it smaller. I've gone up in needle size and chosen medium. I think it's the wrong answer. I need to think more before I knit more. It's handspun.

Meanwhile, I have finished by
February Lady Sweater from Ravelry. It's such a perfect house- weight sweater that I've worn it all evening and am swatching for another one. I wanted to wear it this morning and show it off to my knit-in but it was still wet. It started snowing during the night and talk about dedication, I drove 22 miles on a sheet of ice and then after the freeway, it was just a mess. I had cabin fever relief in a knit-in
and book club - good medicine for what ails me. I drove home on dry pavement this afternoon. You have to have lived in the high desert to believe it, but it's so normal. I'm not sure I'd have gone in had I not been sure the ice was just a one-way trip.
I got home to find a book I had ordered from Amazon and that was back-ordered and forgotten about had finally arrived:
The Sky's the Limit by Steven Gaines. I had read the reviews and ordered it through interlibrary loan several years ago but have been wanting to reread it - more New York City architecture (my affliction). Sandy's Book Club was after my knit-in this morning, and we talking about
Packing for Mars, which we all absolutely loved - a non-fiction. The author is Mary Roach and I plan to read her book
Stiff next, 4 1/2 stars out of 452 Amazon reviews. We all bring in books we've read to share so I offered
The Imperfectionists by Tom Rachman, rated 4 stars out of 290 reviews. When I get around to loading it to My Library Thing, I plan to give it a 4.5 rating - brilliant lovely writing. BTW, spring has not sprung here.