When I was in town yesterday, Melissa and I decided we needed a little cheering up and what better place for that
Jimmy Beans Wool?? She was looking for Cascade 220 to make handles for a felted purse and I decided I need three more skeins of this Noro sock yarn. I had just started the socks, but reluctantly since I'm tired of wearing socks - my feet want out of show jail! I decided this will be a light shortsleeve cardi. I just need to figure out a pattern - yea for Sweater Wizard.
We had a lunch at a new restaurant called
Creme, which just opened two months ago. They are open from 7:00-2:00, serve crepes, have a great bakery and their locally roasted coffee comes in a French press. Simple and recommended. We followed lunch with a visit to the Nevada Museum Art for the new Ansel Adams exhibit. I was much cheered by the day.

After lunch today I went over to Mim's to get eggs. She said, come see my babies. I thought she meant her guard dogs. Simon is getting huge! She recently acquired Casey as his companion.

And of course, Jo Beth is in the action. She's Mim's snooper-
visor. This is a better picture of Casey. Both her guards dogs are so sweet, I'd have a hard time leaving them with the livestock, which is their job. She's still training and working with them.

The babies she was talking about are her goats. These triplets are about a month old. They are minature La Manchas, which are earless like her guard dog Simon.

The mom to the black triplets is on the right and man was she talking to us and they weren't happy sounds. The mom on the left also had triplets.

Her babies were in the barn because they're only a week old. No wonder Mim wanted to come to see her babies - they are precious, unbelievably tiny and so innocent. I think 8-pound Charlie is bigger than one of these.

I didn't go to yoga last Thursday because it was snowing so hard, I didn't want to mess with the conditions, and here are are, one week later. You'd think I'd be used to this by now.

We talked some more about packing hat kits. We bought a couple of these plastic jars but in trying to get the contents in, we can see we need bigger jars. The pattern is smashed in and so is the yarn. Back to the drawing board.
Love that noro yarn, hmmmmmmmmmm (means something like yummie)
I really like that Noro yarn, too!
Noro yarn is so pretty. It's a great idea for packaging a kit. Once the right container comes up, it will be stunning.
How about a taller, thinner plastic jar, like you'd put pasta in? Are you putting the yarn in in balls? You could stack them in on top of each other after the pattern is inserted.
Thanks for making me jealous. I want goats. I want time to work with goats and make cheese... Someday...
Ps: the yarn is really cool - I like the colors!
I love the container. I think you are headed in the right direction. Where are you going to sell those? Locally? Love the baby goat pictures! Always love the spring because of the babies.
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