I spent an extra 30 minutes this morning spinning. It's been so dreary that I was happy to have an extra 30 minutes with my "grow" light. I wanted empty bobbins to take to Spindle Camp. I've waited all year for this to come and so think I win on all counts. I have finished yarn for hat kits and three empty bobbins. I know it's Spindle Camp and I'm also also taking spindles.
Most of the folks live not too far from the campground. Since I'm coming from the other side of the Sierras, I've deliberated on what I could bring to the potluck Friday night that would also travel well. I decided on ye old potato salad. I've just received a sample magazine called
Cooks Illustrated. I've received samples of things over the years so I almost pitched this in the trash. I don't know what held me up, but I've discovered this is a tiny magazine that needs to be read from front to back, every word. It's not so much recipes, but why things cook up like they do.
Anyway, potato salad - they evaluated different potatoes and determined that russets have weaker cell wall structure and break down sooner, thus are more able to absorb the vinegar in the dressing. Their recipe suggested the cubed potatoes come to a boil, salt the water, and then cook another 8 minutes. Their dressing includes pickle relish. Really?? And yeah, I've sent them my check.

I've finished tying and trimming fringe. These place mats are ready for adoption. I'm starting realize that the craft fair world is going to mean dealing with rejection. Just because I love what I made for our table doesn't mean that someone else won't think this is perfect. I'm not going into therapy over this, until I run out of storage space. But for now, I have these seriously lovely place mats, perfect for the perfect Western table.

The dining room table has become my staging area. I have a list and I'm also putting things here as I think of them, and in foreground in it's pack, is the spinning wheel. Missing are the sleeping bag and pillow. I'm a terrible girl scout but by lunch tomorrow, I will heap up this space and pile it into my car.

We have had such an unusual spring at this point. I know the weather records don't go back all that far, so I don't know if this wet pattern has presidence. We got another squall late this afternoon. What is normal anymore?

I got an email from Lauren today. She's started her students on backstrap weaving. I remember this student as one who was totally focused on my class presentation.
Ha! Cook's Illustrated....We got sucked in a couple years ago. I do 99% of the cooking in this house and it's my son and husband who read that magazine from cover to cover.
Although it is interesting, sometimes it's more than I want to know. And sometimes there are way too many steps in the recipe. But they do have a killer recipe for home made hummus.
Have fun at spindle camp.
Wow! The look of concentration of that student's face is awesome! Good job!!
Have fun at camp. May it be dry and sunny and not too hot.
Have fun at camp!!! I did get Cook's Illustrated for a year too. Sometimes to much detail.
Place mates are great. They would fit into my kitchen-dinning room decor perfect.
I *love* Cook's Illustrated -- I've been getting it for ten years or so. Even though many of their recipes get overly complicated (no use denying it!), it can be really helpful to understand *why* something works the way it does. Some things I take as gospel, others I take some of the ideas and make them my own (adding lemon juice to chicken pot pie = awesome).
Have a great time at Spindle Camp!
I will try that for my next potato salad recipe..thanks.
So nice to see more guys showing an interest in fibre arts :-)
I love Cooks Illustrated, and lucky for me that my MIL gets me a subscription every year for my birthday. I am soo excited to get to see you in just a few hours!
I envy you the time at Spindle camp - what a great time and group of people. Pickle relish - I have always tossed a couple of tablespoons with the warm potatoes for my salads. Let that cool and finish the salad. Yum!
I put pickles in my potato salad, always have and love it! I also use a secret ingredient ;-)
Trying to get caught up on blog reading. I can't believe your weather.
Very interesting about the potatoes! We aren't the fondest of russets so I don't think about them for anything let along potato salad.
Spindle camp looks every bit worth the effort! Love the photo.
cooks illustrated is great. on saturday on PBS is "americas test kitchen" check your local listing, this is produced by the same group. excellant show. we actually get it here in LV twice. very much worth watching.
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