Every New Years Eve we get together at my sister-in-law's in Redlands to celebrate. We take a picture of our family and I started to say friends, but we are all related in some extended way. The group changes from year to year. We've lost some family through divorce and death, including my brother in law. This year the age range is from 14 months to 88 years old.

No one is missing from the picture because SIL Paul spends an inordinate amount of time setting up the automatic timer on all the cameras and then races into place. There were lots of false starts but it only takes one photo for the record. This tradition is almost 40 years old. The following day we went to Gardenia for a Japanese New Years Day celebration that is 73 years old this year.

We drove through snow to get here and the weather was spectac-
ular. Redlands is where the orange industry developed 100 years ago - because of this weather. After a month of shoveling snow, my morning walks were surreal - pansies, roses, geraniums, impatiens, snap dragons, begonia, boganvilla -all in bloom. I don't own a swimsuit so couldn't go in the hot tub. I need to get one before next year.

I snagged these lemons from the tree in the backyard. I like a little lemon juice in my water - so fun to have some of the real deal. We visited, saw two movies -
It's Complicated and
Up in the Air - visited some more and then had another visit -caught up with so many friends. It's some kinda drive. They'll all say that next summer when they come up here for The Gathering.

My SIL Rochelle is a quilter and sent me home with six and a half pounds of fabric that she didn't see herself using. She said people give her fabric that they don't want, thinking she'll be able to quilt it. She says, if it's ugly, it's ugly. I don't know how these will work up in a rag rug, but I know they will. She also showed me her cutting equipment. I see it'll be on sale at Hancock's next week so will wait until the 14th to buy it before I start cutting strips again. The scissors are not fun.
It has warmed up tonight and is raining, melting our snow which means mud in the house tomorrow. It also means that people will have an icy commute to work in the morning. Not me - I'm retired. Did I mention that??
OOH,OOH...that fabric will make super rugs!! Are you kidding???
And yes, you need a bathing suit....even though we're in the middle of winter, you never know when the chance will arrive.
I love that your whole family and extended family gets together for New Year's Eve. For the first time in 30 years of being married, we didn't make it. We had just barely gotten back from Texas and we just flat fell asleep. We were exhausted. I don't quilt but think the rag rug is a great idea. I can't wait to see how you make one. I love the idea of a rug that I can throw into the washer and dryer on a regular basis. Could make a great dog mat.
Yeah, you mentioned the retirement a few times - you lucky lady, you! LOL!!
Cool - Fabric to play with. I want to do rugs, too, but first things first.
Love the headgear!
That fabric will be great as rugs. Do you have one of those little folding gizmos?
Redlands looks so beautiful! I love picking fresh citrus off the tree -- one of the highlights of my first trip to Florida at the age of 8.
Your New Year's Eve is a wonderful tradition.
Happy New Year, Sharon! The family gathering looks like fun and Gardenia sounds like an oasis!
What a great looking bunch! Sounds like a lot of fun. And I think the fabric will be perfect for a rag rug.
Looks like a good time was had by all! And the rag rug idea is very good. Will it be braided, knitted or woven? I need to clear my loom off and get in a little weaving... sigh.
Looks like a great holiday!! Celebrating with family and being able to walk around - or even swim - outside somewhere warm! Fantastic!!
That's great that you were gifted with some fabric. I'd love to make a rag rug or even maybe some placemats using rags as weft. I thought the gift of yarn was good...but now I realize the gift of fabric is also good!
Happy 2010 to you!!!
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