I came home from our guild meeting today with mixed feelings. The Nevada State Fair is definitely canceled due to lack of funding - long story but the short version is that fair people aren't casino people so don't receive casino support. The good news is that the guild has been asked to be an informational arm to a cowboy poetry function at the Bartley Ranch county park . I think it's a great fit and perhaps will be an even better educational opportunity.
As for the picture - I have finished the triple-ply gray yarn and used it as an instruction today for the McMorran Yarn Balance. The white is a delicious treat that
Amy brought me from Stitches - 2 ounces of banana fiber! and the right is
Mim's irresistibly dyed Blue-faced Leicester roving. Oh, and BTW, I took my ugly pink PJ's to Show 'n Tell and said that they could go home with anyone who wanted them. Instead, they got placed in the guild raffle where they actually raised $$$

Mim and I stopped at the Dollar Store on the way home (after Starbucks). We've going to participate in a couple of craft fairs and want to sell hat kits. I typed up a pattern and now we need to weigh yardages to get an idea for yarn costs. We thought we'd package them in a plastic reusable jar, but now we need find that ideal and cheap jar. The yellow plastic strip is a swim noodle which we plan to use in a wet felt demo.
I have a library program scheduled for next month and when I saw the flier entitled Sheep to Shawl, I was surprised to learn that I will also be talking about felting and raising llamas, and I do neither. Ian does llamas, Mim does felt. Should be interesting.
Would love to hear more about the hat kits! Have you thought of wide mouth Mason Jars? Kmart online has 12 for $10. Just ordered some for other project.
I think you should bring Ian and Mim for Show and Tell for the Sheep to Shaw. lol! I think I would love to see the demo of the wet noodle felting project. I have never see that. Can you record it and put it on YouTube? Or here?
Uhm...sheep to shawl wasn't comprehensive enough?! How long is the program....a weekend?
Hat kits in a jar sounds cute. Or have you thought about little hat boxes? http://collectdolls.about.com/library/weekly/aa090400a.htm
Sounds like a fun guild meeting. We lost our state fair two years ago too...and Michigan was one of the oldest state fairs in the country.
I have never heard of states losing their state fairs, so to read this post and the comment about TWO states losing their fairs has left me a bit shell-shocked and very sad. What is this world coming to?
Oh great idea with the kits, or you could do little bags.
Have fun with the program, sounds like a winner. Pity on the fair though,
Banana fiber! Intersting. Haven't tried that yet.
I love the roving.
Time for me to do a little catching up on my favorite blogs starting with yours.
I'm so happy you got your new sewing machine!!!! You look cute in the new PJ's and they fit so nice.
Love you kit idea especially the container.
I'm sorry to hear about the fair being canceled. That must be a disappointment for a lot of folks.
Banana fiber? Who knew. I'm curious to hear what you think of working with it.
The soft green color of your roving is wonderful. I'm looking forward to seeing what you create with it.
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