I was finished at the dye day and cleaning up when Lindsey said, here - try these. She pulled sock blanks from her soak water and challenged me - go for it. Lindsey is a life force. We need more Lindseys.
I picked three colors -I'm a Fibonacci kind of girl. My colors of choice were turquoise, gold and red violet daubed on with stencil brushes.

After I got home, I rinsed the blanks, let them dry, then pulled out the yarn and wound it onto my knitty knotty. I know that some people knit as they unravel, but I need a little more control than that.

I am happier knitting socks from these center-
pull balls. I hope this doesn't label me as a control freak. Oh wait.

And here they are, the fraternal sock twins. It was a fun project, from start to finish. After seeing how harsh this path is for sock color, I'm not sure I'd take it again. The yarn showed obvious signs of stress. Just the same, it was fun.
Hi Sharon, they are lovely. Spring coloured socks.
Fun is a great word for your yarn and sock. Love them!
Ah-ha! So that's how it's done! Great socks!!!
That's something I've thought of trying. There's this knitting machine in the cupboard which hasn't seen much use.
Yours came out lovely! And you were so quick about it!!
Lovely! I recently did a sock blank with much smaller spots of color. It's fun, isn't it?
What kind of stress on the yarn? I noticed no weakness in my sock blanks nor any other yarn I've ever dyed. I'm wondering if it was the yarn itself and not the dye?
I surprised the color toned down so much. I like the socks much better than the sock blanks.
I just ordered 20 skeins of 100 gram sock yarn to play with in the dye pots. ;)
Those are lovely! I too am curious about the weakness in the yarn. I have a sock blank made, just haven't done the dyeing yet.
Think weft for a weaving project next time. It's on my to-do list, but I haven't tried it yet. The socks are glorious.
I should have commented here in response to Lizzie's comment and now this is probably too late. Mim asked me the same question when I was at her house today.
The stress came at the point of unraveling. If you've ever unraveled yarn, you know that there's a certain amount of distress from the pulling apart. Maybe I'm not a good unraveler, but I could see that it was fraying the yarn in some areas.
i love your socks! yeah! i want them on my feet!
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