I went over to Mim's this afternoon. We had talked about making a trade - we likes the barter economy. She loves hand knit socks but hates to make them. She hasn't finished the pair she started last September! I love to knit socks and only have three wethers and thus three colors of fleece. So we made a swap.

She got two pairs of socks and I got three pounds of wool: a variegated wheat, red and slate gray (it's the brillo pad, Laura). It was relaxing to chat on the sofa and pick through the fleeces. I love the smell of fleece. I had already started washing Wilson when I realized that it was almost too late for a picture.

A lamb was born shortly before I got there, probably not more than a half hour. The ewe is Tru but her baby ewe is still unnamed. Tru is still cleaning up her wobbly baby girl - all legs!

Mim weighed her at seven pounds, one pound less than Charlie, who BTW, ran from me like a crazy cat for the first hour after I got home. I can only surmise that I smelled scary.

I took this picture, hoping to show the relative size of the lamb to Jo Beth, Mim's Jack Russell Terrorist. This little wobbly girl was already frisky and had us in stitches, pun intended. I felt so fortunate to have stumbled into this special event. We just stood and watched - it's awesome in every sense of the word.

I took some cuttings from Mim's yard and was getting ready to leave, when we decided to take one last look at the lamb. Will you just look at that face. She's such a funny girl. I can't wait to see how her fleece grows in.
What a sweet little lamb! I can't wait to see her when she's a little older! I think that bartering is a great way to go! Now, I need to find someone who knits socks and see what I can trade!
Sounds like a sweet day! Almost like the lamb made her appearance just for your visit.
Bartering is a good thing.
She is a cutie! I can hardly contain myself... I'll be there next month!!! WOOHOO :)
I love bartering and I think you both won in this exchange.
I want sheep!!! Sigh... :)
I'd say you both had a good trade.
The lamb is so cute!!!! I miss not having animals but not the work involved.
I'm glad you've knit sock for her. You can tell me her size. I asked her but haven't heard. I owe her a pair for the fleese she washed for me.
BTW I just love the lamb.
What a charmer! Please do keep us posted as she grows (and gets a name?).
Where I lived in Montana they never noticed the Depression -- they didn't have any cash but had a pure barter economy and it was very, very stable.
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