I removed my hats and soap from the Brewery Arts Center in Carson City about a week ago. I've had things on consignment there for about ten years, but it was time for us to part ways. I took these hats and some more soap into
Eco Reno today. I'm going to start with this sampler and see how it goes. After we got home I saw that Morgan has already promoted them Facebook.
Ian and I planned an in-town day, starting with Eco Reno, then lunch with Chris and Alexia, followed by the Nevada Museum of Art, but they're closed on Tuesdays so we finished up with Costco and a new pair of sunglasses for me instead. The coolest part of our mistake of not checking museum hours online is that young son Matty wants to see the exhibit with us. Mistakes are new opportunities.

I am getting a tour from the four kindergartners responsible for this construction. I cannot begin to explain what they told me, but it was obviously clear to them. I have come to this school for the last nine years, starting with preschool for grandson Kiernan, ending now with Alexia and kindergarten.

Picking up Alexia for lunch today was bitter-sweet. School ends soon and our ties here will end also. Lex moves to public school near her home. This private school has been such an exceptional opportunity. As part of the university, the class sizes are very small and the ratio of studio aids per student is high. I'm anxious for next year. Nevada is #50 out of 50 in spending on education, and while that doesn't diminish the dedication of the teachers, I do have reason to be concerned. What family can afford private education? These past nine years have been hard for our little family, and if the program continued past kindergarten, they would have continued to struggle for the tuition. Her new school is rural and small - hope that's good.

I need to pick up where I left off. I've finished cutting the legs from the pants that Mim gave me for my next rug. I don't know how Charlie finds perches, but he had anointed the denim legs. Tomorrow is not a weaving day. Laundry has staked a claim. Weaving commences Thursday and I hope to be walking on a rug by the end of that day.
Aren't cats great! Which way will you cut the jean legs?
Sounds like a fun day.
Education, so important...as a species we've been educating our young since the dawn of time, but it seems we are always re-inventing the wheel.
IMO, private is not always better than public. A private school is selling you something and they need to keep your business....sometimes the way that is done is by playing on the parents fears and egos.
I believe that it's in our own best interest to support and be involved in our public school system. And just like in our homes...once you have the basics covered, per pupil spending doesn't necessarily improve the educational outcome.
I neglected to mention that this private school is part of the university, the class sizes are very small and the ratio of studio aids per student is high. I need to go back and put that in the text!
I love your hats!! They are display so nice. Did your DH make it for you?
I'm in favor of public schools. Maybe because its the only school we had available to us or our children. I think the important thing is to be involved in your child's education and school. Small rural school is exactly what I went to. I think there were 25 of of in our class and we were together for all 12 years. That was about the average for students but I know my younger bother's class was on 13. I realize there is so much more to learn these days. When I think of all the history that's happeneded since I was in school it about blows my mind.
I can't wait to see your new rug. I hope that your hats sell at the new place. Maybe the other place just wasn't right audience for your items. Change can be good!
I know it's bittersweet watching the little ones grow up and move on. I don't have grandchildren yet but I keep hoping!
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