I took this picture of Desert Peach in early May and just didn't get around to posting it. It's just about the first sign of spring that we have, not that we actually get spring. It's a teaser.

I took a picture this morning when I walked the dogs. Desert Peach, in addition to having peach-colored blossoms, actually gets little peach-like fruits on it. The birds don't eat them and haven't found any mention of Natives using it - I'm not sure they're anything more than pretty. Laura tells me that as a fruit any dye would be fugitive. No thank you.

I grew up in San Diego, accus-
tomed to whole fields of California poppy, the California state flower. We assume these "volunteers" are courtesy of migrating birds - the state line is a mile west of us. It started with one plant and now the bank is filling. They're such scrappy plants. I've tried to cultivate them, to no avail.

If you were reading my blog a year ago, you'll recall that I posted about spotting and reporting a fire. Actually, there were more than one, as a man pulling a trailer north on the highway had unknowingly left his safety chain unconnected and had sparked several, two major.

The area is coming back, though too much is from cheat grass and the junipers are gone forever. I cried over this fire as did many of my neighbors. Nevertheless, our beautiful rocks stay and for them is our Red Rock Valley named.

The colors this late afternoon were golden. If you click for big you'll see my neighbor in a pink blouse walking her Min-Pin (miniature doberman pincher) on a leash. She's the best neighbor ever, but her dog is psycho. It makes me feel so much better about my dogs, especially Buster. At least he minds me, groaning and muttering all the while. It's all relative.

We have a small front yard though with all the native grasses and weeds, it's suddenly become huge. I originally thought I'd get it in hand with a half hour a day. Hah! This is on the east side of the house, away from the prevailing winds and where we've been able to put bird feeders - away from the prevailing winds. We like to hang out here in the summers. I think summer just started here - today. Yesterday it was too cool to sit outside.

Today was our last leisure day of June. Prepar-
ations and packing begin in earnest tomorrow. We won't be home until July. How did I suddenly become such a home body?! I have lists and piles on the dining room table to keep me on track. We are Oregon bound.
Hey! - great pictures - Mim's chickens look so cute - I take it that the broody hen accepted all those babies - isn't Mother Nature amazing?
We're getting ready to leave for Oregon too - I have a class all day Friday - Spinning Camelid Fibers with Paula Shull - hopefully it will be good. Are you bringing any fleeces for judging? The Shetland Fleece judging should be at around 1:00 on Saturday - We'll be in the front row.
Looking forward to seeing you! T.
Such a stark and selective beauty. It's throwing everything it's got this year I think. Have fun in Oregon, I'm already here. ;) You know the drill, IF you two find yourselves at loose ends drop me an e-mail and I'll send along phone and directions!
Your front yard is quite stunning! I think hanging out there would be lovely. The scenery there is quite beautiful and your sunsets inspiring. I can imagine that it would be easy to become a bit of a homebody surrounded by such beautfy daily. Just think of how thrilled you'll be to get home again.
We'll probably fall in each other's arms on Friday after our exhausting weeks. Can't wait to see you!
You do live in a beautiful area - that top picture would make the coolest picture puzzle!
Have fun in Oregon and drive safely!
I love your front yard. Looks like a perfect place to hang out. I love poppies too. My grandmother had a bunch of red ones growing in her flower bed. They were my favorites. I tried to grow poppies this year, but nothing grew. :( Maybe next year.
Great photos, all!
I love your front yard. Looks like a perfect place to hang out. I love poppies too. My grandmother had a bunch of red ones growing in her flower bed. They were my favorites. I tried to grow poppies this year, but nothing grew. :( Maybe next year.
Great photos, all!
I loved the pics and I could see your neighbor with her dog! Your yard is so very nice.
I'm so forgetful! I'd meant to write you before you left for Oregon. I don't think you're going to be anywhere near us in the Roseburg area though. I hope you have a great trip!
My first visit to your blog.
OH MY - what a hunk the cover cat is!
Did said cat pose or did you use camera magic!
I will come again.
As I just commented to Heidi, gotta love summer! :)
Looking forward to your Oregon post!
I just love the desert. I'm new to your blog and your photos are beautiful.
Hopefully, it won't be raining in Oregon.
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