I stopped at Costco yesterday to get some more wire cubes for storage to find out that they're considered a seasonal item - spring and summer. I'm guessing that's because they're popular in craft fair booths. I bought another wire shelf instead, like the white one in the corner, and began assembling it after breakfast this morning.

I realized that I could put it in the closet and pull out the two cube units. I reassembled them into one single higher unit, which essentially meant that everything had to come out. It just kept getting messier. And of course, I had to vacuum before I could put something back in a space. I ended up having to empty the vacuum twice. Once I started, I couldn't turn back. "In for a penny, in for a pound," was my grandmother's saying for that.

The four-shelf unit in the closet has all the stuff that was in the drawers of my beading table. The three small see-through bins on top have supplies for some of my other hobbies like sketching and linoleum-block print making. And my magazines have a place too, easily accessible, though some are going away.

The shelf only took half of the closet and I realized the yarn-
storage dresser that had been in this corner could actually go in the other side of the closet, which freed up floor space and made room for my warping board to be stored instead of always in the way.

Ian had to help me periodically move and heft. The dresser fit perfectly as I knew it would, because it had been in the closet in our house in town. The old library catalog is perfect for the little things that tend to get lost and overlooked. The more I cleaned, the more I found "lost" things.

The wire cubes are perfect storage. I don't have much weaving yarn but at least I can see what I do have and think about how to use it. I am thrilled and exhausted. I told Ian, my back is screaming but my heart is singing. It was about six hours of sweat equity to a clean and workable space. My studio thanks me.
What a difference from the top two photos (exploding studio!) to the rest! It looks so nice now, and I'm sure you'll enjoy using it much more -- once your back stops complaining. :-)
Busy, busy, busy! I'm proud of you! I think you might find more of the cubes around the times school supplies are out. At least that's when I find things like that.
From one backache to another, please don't over-do...
Of course I say that and mine is screaming at me. LOL!
I am so glad you got to finish this. I got interrupted by all sorts of things today including two Border collies trying to get in to the sheep!
Well done, Sharon!
Wow, big job, but oh so worth it! Well done! Now, if only I could get my studio to the point where it doesn't have to be a storage room for things like living room furniture!
Great work!!! I cleaned my studio for only 12 minutes yesterday - inspired by you - but even that 12 minutes helped!!
I love the photo of the fleece (or whatever the right name is) exploding out of the doorway!!
I don't know if you have Lowe's or Home Depot nearby, but they have a bunch of storage stuff too. (Our kitchen is suddenly causing us to frequent those stores!)
I'm inspired! I need to do the same, and have two dressers stacked in the big bedroom closet that will be placed side by side with cubes on the top. I sometimes feel like my house is like that game with the 15 tiles and one space that you have to move things around to get them in order. You can't start in one room without doing another first... Consequently, most of the time nothing gets done!
But, my dad is coming in 6 weeks, and I need to get my house in order, so to speak.
I really like the space you've freed up in your room - I'll bet it feels really good!
You've worked hard, Sharon, and it looks very good now. I think you can find room for some more yarns now!
Looking good Sharon!!
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