Linda and
Mim were over for lunch and fibering yesterday. Linda said that since she was in between jobs, how about we have lunch at my house on Tuesday - she'd bring lunch. My best friends come to me with lunch? Talk about an offer you can't refuse. I enlisted them to help me with one bout on my warp that got twisted.

We are half of the Wool Hussies - the other three, being Laura,
Amy and Allison. This unlikely alliance formed when we were practicing for a sheep-to-shawl contest years ago and have been good friends ever since. Mim and I are are trying to hang onto the inch sections of the bout, while Linda gets them into order.

I had tried a counting thread and without realizing I had done it, had started at a wrong place. I'm going to try it again now that I know what I did wrong, but what a costly mistake. I was going to trash the warp and start over, but Linda insisted we could salvage it. The rest of the warp is fine and in spite of this, I'm beginning to like the Back-to-Front method. I ended up having to forfeit the cross and am having to thread from the raddle - ugh.

I had so much fun yesterday, but really needed to do some work in the studio today. My Etsy store is empty and I'm casting about for replacement ideas. I carded together all the pieces and parts of the merino/sari silk that I had blended, which should give me a 2 ounce skein.

I also bended up the rest of the brown Romney with the fawn and white mohair and added more Starfire. This took five or six passes through the carder before I was satisfied - the most passes I've ever done. Again, this should yield about a 2 ounce skein. I think it'll go into a hyacinth dyebath. That's what I'm hearing from it right now anyway.

These are the six sales that I finally got weighed, yards and wpi counted, reskeined and labeled. I'll start listing them tomorrow. I did finish getting ready in time to sit on the deck, barefoot and in a tank top, to read the first 100 pages of Astrid and Veronika by Linda Olsson. Thanks
It was sunny and (relatively) warm here today, too, but not tank-top warm! Around sundown when I FINALLY got to ride my horse, the wind was making my eyes water like crazy.
Oh wonderful that you Hussies got it straightened out.
Pain to thread from the raddle BUT at least that bout was saved. How was lunch?
Beautiful skeins.
Nothing better than the Three F's friends, fiber and food!!!!
Doesn't get any better than that.
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