Today got off to a slow start. I walked the dogs and then fooled around with beads. Oddly, now that I no longer have a beading table, I am suddenly interested in beads. Almost everything fits into a medium Sterlite container, so I take it to the sofa and work on a bed tray. The earrings on the left are new beads - my treat for having to go the dentist - and the ones on the right are from my stash. I bought the green beads at the Bead Museum in Washington D.C. years ago. Why did it take me so long??

I had planned to put warp on Maudie Mae today, but as the day developed, my plans changed. It got up to close to 60 degrees - worrisome since we should be under snow. However, my spirits embraced the sunshine. I can't make it snow anyway.

I realized this was the perfect day to dye my yarn so it could air dry. I am really pleased with the color. Since I was in the kitchen, I decided to cook at batch of cookies while I as cooking a batch of yarn. I used all butter this time. As for the palm shortening, I was terribly disappointed by the crust on the quiche I took to the guild meeting. It was soggy. I have never had a soggy crust ever before, and I do believe I can put a good crust on anything. I'm afraid I'm not a fan of palm shortening and am back to butter or Crisco. My organic mother is probably rolling in her grave.

I haven't seen these in a very long time. It's been a long winter with no breaks and today was the break. Happy feet! I took my book to the deck and read until the sun went down behind Peterson Mountain. That was my Monday. I hope yours was good too.
I'm afraid my Monday wasn't warm enough to take my shoes off! Love the photos, Sharon.
What a wonderful day! Cookies, yarn and reading while on a sunny worm porch. Doesn't get much better than that.
No taking shoes off outdoors in this neck of the woods.
Sounds like a lovely Monday though.
The beads and beading table: yep, things work that way for me too.
Lovely day you had there. We had another snow squall this AM during the morning rush hour. Roads were a mess.
Nice dye work!
It just isn't fair!!! If I took my shoes and socks off and found a chair that didn't have snow on it I'd have frost bit.
Your earrings are lovely!!!!! It must be fun to do some beading. I've been hoping to try that myself one of these days.
Nice dye job!!
Everyone needs a day to take off their shoes and relax. My scenery is the back fence so no great pictures there when kicking back. I am sorry about your pie crust, but totally agree that it's either Crisco or butter. You could use Lard is you really want to shake things up as far as clogging your arteries. I love the color of the dyed yarn out for drying.
60! That's so warm. Maybe that weather can come to us next Thursday, when I'm going to paint warps in the kitchen. It's sort of freaking me out...usually I dye things outside.
I keep wishing I could leave the house in sandals. Another thing to look forward to in summer!
Look at you with your bare toes! Love the earrings. I need to try to make some with the beads I have.
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