Alexia and I made Halloween cookies the next morning. I used to make these Jello cookies for my kids and now I'm making them with my granddaughter. She loves to cook and so cookies have become part of our visit. I bought a couple of flavors of Jello and Alexia chose strawberry.

Alexia wants to do every step and is careful and patient. My great-grandmother, grandmother and mother were all professional cooks. I didn't learn until my mother-in-law taught me - she was a Navy captain's wife and entertained. Always fixing dinner after a long day at work never left me loving to cook and DD Chris hates it. Here comes Alexia. Is she channeling our line of women? I need to teach her how to make white sauce.
We took the kids home after breakfast and then went on a date - we ate lunch at the Nugget buffet and then walked over to the Century and saw
RED. I'm not a fan of movies with guns, but if you thought True Lies was funny, you'd like this one. We enjoyed it.

Sammie is attached to this toy. My morning routine is always the same. I wake up, have coffee while I spin and then I walk the dogs. They cannot get it through their heads that the walk comes
after spinning and coffee. Sammie who lived in a semi-feral state for years has a hard time with clues so we've found, mouth-sensitive dog that she is, she can be calmed by this rope.

The dogs mill around me anxiously and then settle down, except for Sammie. She has an anxiety disorder and convulsively licks - so she goes from one side of my wheel to the other, licking the air. I'm sad for her but boy is it obnoxious.

What you see here is doggie Prozac. She and I both like it.
I'm glad you found something to help Sammie deal with the anxieties.
How interesting that you have so many women before you as professional cooks. My grandmother (who died last year but would have turned 100 on Nov.6!) was just a homemaker but instilled such a luv of cooking and baking in me :-))
Yes, more interesting background. Glad you found something that works with Sammie; she doesn't know how blessed she is!
Wonderful looking snacks :)
Alexia has so much personality, so strong in photos I imagine its really strong in life!
Those cookies look yummy! I've never heard of jello cookies before, but they look colourful and fun!
Special chew toys can be wonderful stress aids for our canine friends. Is that a Lendrum you spin on? How do you like it?
I've been looking for a lost jello cookie recipe for years! Please share. Maybe bring it to the Guild meeting....
I love the photo of Alexia perched on the counter and pointing at her success! I do understand about those rescue dogs.. they need so much more from us.
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