We have had thunder-
storms and rain for the past three days. This is unusual, but last winter was unusually wet, with snow on the ground all of December, which makes me wonder how much we are going to be affected by climate change and global warming this year and beyond.

I'm not sure how we'll handle much more rain. We don't have ground cover and it doesn't percolate easily. The dogs are a nervous wreck. A simultaneous bolt of lightning and clap of thunder this morning at 2:30 landed three dogs on our bed. No one slept well. Another electrical storm passed overhead this afternoon and we were without power for hours. Ian ran the generator to refill the pressure tank for water in the house and I'm thrilled to finally have the power back on. It is pouring rain as I type.

After Project Runway on Thursday, Ian asked me again if I was sure I didn't want to go to Mood this year. For those of you unfamiliar with the program, it's a reality TV show that pits budding fashion designers against each other. They buy their fabric for each challenge from a fabric store called Mood in the garment district. I hadn't planned to go to Mood last year, but in the Super Shuttle from the airport everyone was talking about their plans and I spontaneously offered that I was going to Mood. It was the first I had heard of it!! My fellow passengers were so jealous - shut up - no way - you're not - that I decided I was.

These are the pieces of double-
knit that I bought and didn't sew. When Ian asked me again, I said no again since I hadn't done a thing with these.
Growing up, I couldn't wait to turn ten so I could join 4H, and my first sewing project was a clothes hamper that hung from a clothes hanger. I sewed all my clothes through high school and helped my mother make my wedding dress. I sewed my childrens clothes and mine as well, until it became cheaper to buy them. Lately sewing has become a form of personal expression rather than an economic one.

It's been raining for days - I can't walk the dogs nor can I go outside lest I sink in the mire. I decided to see if I could still sew and chose my least favorite of the pieces to start on. I haven't sewn with double knits in at least 20 years. I buy several t-shirts every season, so I reasoned, why not sew one?

I think I got back on the bicycle pretty well. I think it's cute and it fits. I was sewing on the second t-shirt, which is quite a bit more difficult, and that's when the power went out. Sigh. I want to hone my sewing skills because ultimately I want to sew with my own hand woven. Meanwhile, I told Ian - yes please. I'd like to go back to Mood next week.
Last night I watched this programme on Dutch tv! It's one of my favorites and I'd love to go to Moods. But sewing - I tend to buy legths of cloth and leave them... Now I'm weaving yardage and will have to make something with that. Will I dare?
Your t-shirt looks great!
Oh beautiful job on the double knit t-shirt. I'm terribly impressed. Another runway fan here too. When you get to Mood don't forget to pet the little Boston Terrier mascot. Way too cute.
We had a wicked band of thunderstorms come through Sunday night/early morning...I'm told. I slept through it.
Very nice tee-shirt! What a great fabric. Sewing is definitely a form of expression, god knows it hasn't saved me any money: even if I can sew clothes for less than I can buy them, I am sewing *way* more clothes than I would ever buy!
Nice job on the t-shirt! I've sewn a few things with my handwoven yardage. I really didn't have a problem with cutting or sewing my first project, but argh, trying to throw away the tiniest scraps was really, really difficult!
The shirt looks great!! I like project runway...but all the testosterone in this household gets in the way. So I catch bits and pieces when no one is around. Guilty pleasure.
So sorry about the power outage...I know how distressing that can be.
We badly need some rain. We had a German Shepherd that was terribly scared of storms. She once jumped THROUGH the screened-in porch to get inside. Love the shirt. I have a very loose store-bought shirt that I would like to make more of.
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