ground, with 468 stations, 656 miles of working tracks and an average of 5 million rides on weekdays! Two north/south systems run on either side of Central Park but not under it, so we have to take the train south to Time Square, take the 7 car to Grand Central Station, and the 4,5 or 6 car to the Upper West Side where the Met and Guggenheim are. Or we can walk across the park, which is what do if it's not raining.
There are stores in the large transfer stations like Time Square, which is where this is, though I can't imagine anyone slowing down enough to go into one of these shops. People move at two speeds - fast walk or run.
The shops that I see people stopping at are like this one - grab a newspaper or a snack. And speaking of news-
paper, almost everyone reads on the subway, and we have only seen one Kindle.
The subway system runs on multiple levels and changing cars requires changing levels. Be prepared to walk up and down many stairs at every station. We had to go down two levels at this transfer point and were happy that this long steep escalator.
The art through-
The art through-
out the mole world is fabulous and legendary, especially the tile mosaics. This large mural is below Time Square. An entertainer has set up his piano and dancing dolls just to the right of the mural.
And here is a dancing fiddle player. He's got it his electric violin strapped to his chest, I suppose to facilitate the moves, which are mostly mane shaking, moon walk and high kicks. Still, it's entertaining. I stopped as did others.
Entertainment is part of the scene at the transfer stations. On a different day, the Ebony Hillbillies are just setting up, again under Time Square. We frequently have to change trains here.
A safety sign, one of many printed notices that mostly get ignored. Note the set of stairs to the left. I should count how many steps a typical train change requires.
At the end of the day, this is the sign we look for as we wend our way through the labyrinth. There are sooooo many signs but at this point, this is the only one that counts. Note that one is a mosaic.

Those people are waiting for the south-bound train. It's the end of the day, commuters have gone home, which is where we're headed.
Thankyou for sharing.I love seeing places so unlike my own.It becomes exciting and exotic.The fast world passing by in a way.
God it's been years since I was on a subway. Looks a lot cleaner than I remember, or maybe Boston's is just much grubbier! They are always busy places though.
Do you happen to remember what station that escalator is? I took a picture at that same station but from higher up.. I was scared looking down my DSLR and not holding on to anything.
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