Before I leave color theory behind, I want to share this from Sylvia - her husband said, "The smack dab center of the visible light spectrum is the center of the light emitted by our local star, the Sun. Natural selection has selected creatures that see best at the local star's peak emission frequency." She said he added that red is a lower frequency than blue, thus we need more receptors for red than blue - he really liked the bit about the red and blue threads not yielding the expected mix.
I want to know more and when I Googled optical light mixing, found all kinds of opportunities to take expensive classes. For now, I'm going to step away from this subject, but I'll be back. Oh, and before I forget - LA asked me if I enjoyed making the placemats. I have to say that I did not. But that's because I was at sea the whole time during that project. The results were even better than the photos. Now that I understand what I did, I look forward to the next project and will certainly employ the use of the back of front of fabrics to create shades.
She told me today that Alexia's kindergarten has employed the "collection" of knitted fruits and vegetables into the current curriculum. Apparently they're alphabetizing them and next will evaluate their food properties. Wow! And the teacher asked if I would be willing to show the class how to make a sweater from a sheep. Is that the coolest opportunity, or what?! And we'll do it on DD's birthday - even better.
I LOVE working with can get so many different effects! Or, maybe it's because I have so much fabric stashed away that I need to use up! LOL Anyway, your placemats turned out very nice! And, I love it that your knitted produce has become a whole class learning opportunity!
Sounds like the knitted produce is a big hit! Have fun with the kids on Alexia's special day!
Love the color of the new towel warp and can't wait to see what you come up with as far as weft colors.
I knew that about red and blue, it also relates to color blindness, people without the enough certain receptors can't see certain colors I believe.
Great pink for those scarves and the pattern looks really nice.
Happy weaving, knitting and spinning!
Love the looks of that scarf, you do such wonderful work!
Color theory leaves me dizzy, but its neat reading about your experiences.
That pink scarf is going to steal the show!
Very glad the produce is such a hit at school.
The scarf is lovely! The photo of the sage creek is very interesting, do you know why only sage is growing there? Do you use the sage as a herb in food or tea?
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