Saturday, August 15, 2020

Not Dead Yet

Last night the Blogger platform repeatedly froze up and it's been problematic loading pictures for months so I just assumed the worst, that they had closed their door to me.  I came back to it a little more rational this afternoon and still couldn't load pictures by drag and drop from the desktop, but I've found that I can access the photos that I have clicked the heart on.  If I stop blogging it will be because I made that decision, that the software has me stymied.  So here goes with my new workaround.  

This is the yarn that I spun from roving in the three ANWG conference colors.  I tried to spin each one approximately the same and these came out close to sport weight.
Before I started knitting I checked the value by saving my photo in a gray scale.

This is my swatch.  I found a pattern in Homespun, Hand Knit for a slip-stitch honeycomb pattern for mittens.  Once I found that pattern my plan became clear.  Hat and mittens!!  Now to actually do the work.
This is the third of six towels in Summer and Winter, a Sarah Jackson pattern in an older issue of Handwoven.  I haven't woven in two months so am doing some catch-up in the way of making mistakes.  Some I caught and fixed and others are part of the cloth.  I figure if it took me two towels to see them, it's not going to be glaringly apparent to a non-weaver.  Sarah has a Prayer Shawl weave-along that starts on Monday but I have to clear this loom first.  It's pretty clear that I'm going to be starting late.  

I can't weave the days that Delaney is here, at least for now.  The looms are upstairs and we have a child gate in the stairs.  I'm in physical therapy twice a week for chondromalacia,  I'm hoping to rein this in before the degeneration leads to knee replacements.  
Delaney has discovered how to put pencil and paper together and loves to "write" in my notebook.  It's one I've used for at least ten years to jot down project notes.  She is very possessive of it now that she pulled it from my knitting basket along with the attached pencil.  If she's content, then I am content.
I wonder where her fascination with pencil and paper and with her own library will lead.

And I wonder if Blogger and I will still be friends tomorrow.



Michelle said...

So glad you're not dead yet! What is chondromalacia? Guess I could google it... Delaney is so stinkin' cute.

weavinfool said...

My threading/sleying errors are almost always close to the middle of the cloth.

Rosieposie said...

I hope you can keep the blog going!! I’ve had such delight and giggles over the years keeping up with what you and the family have been up to. Stay safe. Rosie and Lance from the library Reno.

Nicole Short said...

Hi nice readinng your blog