town library cat who touched the world," by Vicki Myron. I had read the review in Bookpage a couple of months ago and placed it on hold right away. We get complimentary physical copies at our library and I absolutely love to read the interviews and suggestions. Since libraries get plenty of book tools, I don't know why this one clicks with me but I've found a number of surprises, including Reeve Lindburgh's, and it's still one of my favorites this year.
I honestly didn't register how much Dewey looks like Charlie until I picked up the book today, and incidently, I love it. Both boys are rescues but one is socialized all day long and the other has to wait long days for human companionship.
Sometimes he waits for his dog.
I realized as I was reading the book that I wished Charlie was well socialized like Dewey, but Charlie is. He's socialized to his companion - his dog.
so now I'm wondering, did you download the podcast about Dewey, or the one about the auto industry? (chuckle)
I listened to the Dewey program too....and it makes me want to read the book. Especially since our cat, Jazzy, has been making me feel guilty ever since I read Izzy & Lenore (about dogs) a few weeks ago.
Awwh, I always love it when a dog and a cat form such a bond. I had an Aussie mix dog for 17 years who mothered several of our kittens into well-mannered adult cats, and I still miss her. Thanks for the wonderful photos.
Cats are pretty independent, seems sometimes like they 'allow' us to be their friends, nice to know they do appreciate us now and then, even if it is just for providing a dog :)
Hey! I din't know kitties could read. Can Charlie read?
Don't you love that? Our deaf cat Radar is so socialized to our GOlden Dog Huck. Radar sometimes rubs and rubs the dogs face when he is sleeping
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