This is the chair from the furniture set we bought seven years ago. The sofa and loveseat broke down even more, with springs in three of their five cushions breaking loose making for miserable seating. We picked out repacement furniture at Ashley’s President Day Sale. Today was delivery day.
I’ve been nervous ever since. We’ve always had brown furniture and we broke away with this bright off-white. Originally I was attracted to the blue pillows but I’m not sure I like the pillows that much now.
So this is the look overall. I’m a libra and while I don’t actually believe in the zodiac, I do find myself falling into some of those traits, like now when disorder and change upset my apple cart. I hear the Sesame Street song in the back of my head, “One of these things is not like the other......”
I did have the satisfaction of getting my workshop loom ready this morning for our upcoming tartan class. And speaking of class, I had the first session of a two-day class today on a printmaking technique called chine colle. This has been the most tortuous and cerebrally challenging class I’ve taken yet, credit to the teacher Anna McKee. I came home and journaled, then watched two hours of videos on the technique. I hope tomorrow’s class will help me get a better sense of where I want to go with this process. I’m not complaining as I feel privileged to have access to this level of education, but sometimes I don’t feel up to it, like today. I know I’m unsettled with new and strange furniture in the heart of my house and confusion on the art technique that I thought I was getting a handle on. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, so saith my mother.