Our weave/study group is studying block weaves which was our topic of study about two years ago. Many of us, myself included, still couldn’t claim to have a clear understanding. At our last meeting we submitted for comment our profile draft, weave structure and choice of yarns to Patty, our study leader. I chose 8/2 Tencel and turned twill for my project. She said she thought it would be pretty, but when I came home and put the profile draft in my weaving software, it was absolutely too busy to be an attractive scarf. I was stumped and that’s when I decided to weave the overshot table runners.
This last month has been pretty busy but our group is meeting this week, tomorrow in fact, and I don’t want to lose to opportunity to solidify my understanding of block weaves, so Saturday I found a profile draft in Strickler’s eight-shaft book and put it in my software. Then I wound a dark purple warp and got it beamed on. Sunday I threaded and sleyed the reed and by then it was too dark to see. Monday morning I wove this far and I absolutely love it! II had to idea what it would look like.
I had some time this afternoon so started on a new towel. I chose a weft with the exact same value instead of a lighter one, and these are much more pleasing to my eye. I might even try orange on the third towel!
Monday afternoon I went up to the local community college to attend an art class. I knew it was full and I was five on the wait-list but I just threw myself on the instructor’s mercy, and hallelujah, I’m in! For the first time in twenty years I am attending college, and I even have a parking permit to keep tickets off my windshield. Yes, I got one. The class is Drawing 1. I’ve put off learning to draw long enough. The next ten weeks are going to be very busy.
I finished this sweater for my granddaughter-to-be and will gift it at the baby shower next month. It’s Malabrigo Rios and while I love the look of the yarn and enjoy working with it, it seems too heavy for a baby sweater. The yarn I’m knitting now is from Swans Island, gauge 25 stitches to 4” and I like it much better.
I just ordered another cone from Bartlett Yarns in Maine. I like the hand of the cloth when it’s finished and I like the feel of the wool in my fingers. The hitch is that I have to skein and wash all of the yarn before I can start knitting.
This is the sweater I’ll knit with it, another Heidi Kirrmaier design. I’ve gotten spoiled with the perfection of her patterns so when I first started knitting the Swans Island yarn, I chose a sweater pattern from Ravelry. It was cute and seemed to have a lot of happy knitters. The errors by the time I had knit 2” made me throw in the towel. Instead I’m going with a pattern from Garn Studio called Baby Fir Jacket.
It’s much easier to follow and this is how far I got starting this morning. Much better when the instructions are better!
Tomorrow is going to be a full day, weave/study in the morning in Redmond and art class in Bend in the afternoon. I’m going to eat cold pizza in the car for lunch, I hope it doen’t snow!
Wow! You've been busy! I love the idea of going back to school...especially taking a class you've always wanted to take! Good for you!
Sounds like a great kind of busy!
Very nice twill block towels - I've woven something similar - love the look.
Great on taking a drawing class.
Which weaving software do you use, and do you recommend it?
Lindsey asked a good question, something I should have included in the narrative. The weaving software I have is Fiberworks and yes, I do like it. I haven’t spent time with the manual and I know I should. This is the software used by Robyn Spady and she whipped through features during our Thrill of the Twill class. I learned a lot from just watching her. A very cool feature after you’ve entered your entire draft is the heddle count per shaft. If you’ve ever come up short, you’ll know just how awesome that feature is.
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