Carol Lloyd gave me sourdough starter for Christmas and ever since I've been working on getting my bread mojo back. I told my daughter, you may not remember, but I used to bake all our bread, to which she replied, "Oh. No. Mother. Trust. Me I. Remember," which wasn't exactly the response I was looking for. Remind me - she's my favorite woman on the planet, why? Three loaves of bread is too many for us, so Carol has been getting a loaf a week - probably a return on a gift she's never had.
I only have two glass pans, and they say that sourdough bread must be baked in a glass pan. I tried to substitute a teflon pan. Can you guess which loaf was baked in the teflon pan?
Mmmmm....homemade bread. During college, I lived in a co-op for a year. For awhile I baked about 20 loaves every Sunday (they would all be gone by Tuesday). I must have had *a lot* more energy! I've been at it again in the last year or so, but certainly at the same level. And not sourdough, though I would like to, someday..
LOL ummm Charley is the fuzzy one? I have a cat named Lucky who has the same issue :)
I've never made sourdough, but I do make our bread from a yummy whole-wheat flaxmeal recipe. Your loaves sure are beautiful, as was the sunset. I'm noticing more light in the morning; it's easier to get up. :-)
Cute pic of you and Charlie! He knows what a laptop is and looks like her prefers your!
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