pating a delivery of sock loopers so when I left for town and Ian offered to pick up the package from Lynn's ranch (where Jan, our mail lady leaves large packages so we don't have to drive back into town for them), I wholly assumed they had arrived.
I got home after 10:00 from my guild meeting Wed-
nesday. Thursday morning Ian had gone in early to the union office. I realized the moment I grabbed the box that it was heavier than the 10 pounds of loopers I had ordered. It was this nifty kitchen cart I ordered from the Costco online store and I forgot about.
I loved the cart from the moment I saw it in the Costco Connection magazine and knew it would be perfect for our kitchen - a relief to the congestion in the cabinet shelves.
The loopers arrived and I essentially got what I paid for, factory waste. It will take weeks to get these sorted out but the bathmats will be beautiful.
And on the rigid heddle loom journey, I got a warp on and experi-
mented with weft. I want to have educational samples for the class next month. This was what to do and not to do sample. I hope my next sample is all "what to do"
Don't you just love the ridig heddle loom? I know I do.
Love your new kitchen cart too.
Rigid Heddle weaving is really different from floor looms. I started with a rigid heddle loom, but once I started on a 4-harness loom, I sold that rigid heddle loom.
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